How Gel Can Help Clean Your Favorite Pipe

Pipes are arguably the most popular way of consuming cannabis. Handheld glass pipes are the most common tools for smoking weed, while bongs give you that nice sniff and high. Pipes may come in various shapes, colors, and sizes. Generally, their effect is the same—give you that incredible hit, time and time again. 

But, after some time, you might notice that your hits are not as clean, and your pipe is no longer the same color as when you first bought it. That’s actually your pipe telling you it’s time for some hardcore cleaning. Cleaning might be the last thing you’ll ever want to do, but it’ll be right for you in the long run. 

Pipes are quite tricky to clean, with all the resin buildup in those hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. Still, there are several ways you can clean your favorite smoke piece and restore it to its pristine condition.    

Dangers Of Common Cleaners 

Look up ‘how to clean a glass pipe’ on the web, and you’ll find numerous websites that swear by isopropyl alcohol or iso as the number one solution for gunk-filled pipes. It’s easily accessible and relatively cheap, so it’s the go-to for pipe cleaning. However, the rage of COVID-19 has placed a heavy demand for alcohol that it’s better used to protect mankind from the virus. As such, using isopropyl alcohol may not be an excellent cleaning option for your favorite pipe. 

On the other hand, some people also suggest bleach. While this could work for removing tough stains on your sink and walls, it is, after all, an acid. Acid will corrode metal pipes and degrade your line. It’s best to keep it as a floor cleaner and stain remover, but never near or in your favorite tube.

Acetone is also another popular option. But, this is as dangerous as alcohol and bleach that you’d rather have better alternatives than soak your pipe in this. Its fumes are more than enough to give you chest pains, so why bother using it?

While most of the things that were mentioned are hazardous chemicals that could potentially damage your pipe, there are alternatives out there that could replace these materials. Along with the new cannabis trends that you should know about, read on to see how you can give your cannabis pipe some deep clean, without the harsh rubbing, shaking, or alcohol soaking, to ensure a great cannabis smoking experience. 

How To Clean A Pipe Without Alcohol Or Salt

Now that you’ve gained insight on the dangers alcohol and salt can bring to your beloved smoke piece, you may want to try other cleaning methods that are as effective, but less harsh and more environment-friendly. Two non-alcohol cleaning methods are:

  • Using vinegar and baking soda

This replaces the alcohol and salt solution and gives you the same results. The vinegar dilutes the deposited resin, while the baking soda helps remove stains.

  • Boiling water 

Boiling glass pipes in hot water is probably the most economical and practical way there is, but this comes with associated risks. If you take out your pipe and immediately rinse it with cold water, chances are your pipe will shatter. If you’re not careful, you might even get burns from improper handling. So, be sure to let your pipes soak in water for at least 30 minutes before you take them out, and then dry them off with a towel. 

While the methods above work, there are certain drawbacks. You might need to give your pipe a thorough rinse to eliminate the vinegar odor. Simple boiling can even pose hazards. 

Care for better cleaning options?  Gels could be your next pipe cleaning buddy.


One of the popular ways of cleaning your favorite pipe is by using a gel. Unlike other cleaners, it’s made from all-natural clay-based formula, which can quickly remove dirt and resin from your glass bongs, pipes, rigs, and many more, without alcohol or salt. In short, if you’re a weed enthusiast and want to keep your bong as clean as possible, it’s important that you read some informative articles, such as ‘How To Clean a Bong Without Alcohol.’

Typically, industry-grade alcohol does more harm to you and the environment. Inhaling fumes in a poorly-ventilated room is enough to make your head spin and your chest to tighten. That’s because it’s packed with toxic substances that can damage your lungs. Suppose you don’t give your pipe a thorough rinse. In that case, all the alcohol residue becomes flammable, and who knows what damage you can get from a burning (or exploding) pipe. When you throw it down the drain, you also run the risk of contaminating groundwater, damaging the ecosystem in turn. 

Using salt to clean your piece is also a no-no. No matter how many users stick to this, salt is an abrasive. In case you don’t know what that means, an abrasive is any substance that can clean a surface by rubbing or grinding. Salt is usually combined with alcohol to make a saturated solution for pipes. You give it a shake to remove stain and resin. Your tube may come out clean, but with scratches.

As you can see, alcohol or salt may not be a perfect cleaning solution for your tube. This can be the main reason why you should opt for gel when removing the dirt off your pipe. So, to get the most out of this cleaning product, all you have to do is shake your gel and be prepared for some cleaning. Once you’re done, add the right amount of gel to your dirty pipe and rinse with warm water. After doing all these things, you’ll get everything covered. 

Clean Away 

If you want to smoke cannabis with satisfaction, be sure you get your pipe cleaned properly since it needs one at least once a week. There’s no need to see cleaning as a chore when you have a convenient solution that makes your favorite pipe as good as it gets. You might even do nature a favor when you choose to clean with environment-safe products. 

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