10 Best Times To Get High

10 Best Times To Get High

A wise man once said “Everything’s better when you’re high. If you don’t smoke, I don’t know why.” That wise man was Cameron Thomaz, otherwise known as the Wizard of House Khalifa, in his song Up, released in 2010. 7 years later, I’ve still yet to find an argument against that statement. I literally cannot think of 1 single activity that isn’t more enjoyable when stoned, which raises the question: when are the best times to get high? I mean, we all love to get high before running Saturday errands, or while kicking it with the homies, but when are the tried-and-true best times to get high? For answers, we check in with our expert, ya boy (me, I, Dante Jordan). In no particular order, here are 10 of the best times to get high:

20 Great Books To Read While High

20 Great Books To Read While High

Books can take you to another time and place, another world. They invite you inside the mind of another human being, to see the world from their perspective and experience their thoughts and ideas as your own. It’s like being a mind reader, only you can still read books even after the author has been dead for centuries.