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Will Mexico Be The Next Country To Legalize Marijuana?

On July 1st, Mexico elected a new president named Andrés Manuel López Obrador. The president elect won a landslide victory based on his promise to fight corruption and rebuild the economy. He wants to cut the pay of government officials and expand social programs – like increased pensions and universal college education. He wants to support Mexican farmers by fixing prices for crops and equipment.
He also wants to end Mexico’s violent drug war, using “abrazos, no balazos” (“hugs, not bullets”).

You Can’t Fight Violence with Violence

In 2006, then-president Felipe Calderón mobilized the Mexican military to take to the streets to fight organized crime. Since then, more than 100,000 lives have been lost – more than 200,000 by some estimates. And yet drugs are as available as they’ve ever been, and the cartels are just as powerful.
López Obrador has a different strategy in mind. “Why do people grow poppies?” he asks. “Because they have nothing to eat! You can’t fight violence with violence. This is an evil we have to fight by doing good, by creating economic growth, jobs and well-being.”
One of López Obrador’s more controversial proposals is offering amnesty to certain criminals involved in the drug trade. In a public forum in Mexico City, he said he would even consider the legalization of all drugs across the board.
“Legalization of drugs is a subject that should be debated,” he said. “Why not address it? And why not, if that is the right thing to do, approve it and let the government carry it out?”
“There are those that argue that this is why we have a lot of violence, because of prohibition,” he added.

Moving Mexico Forward

But is this just political rhetoric, or can we really expect drastic changes in Mexico’s drug policy? To get a better idea, take a look at his pick for Mexico’s next Secretary of Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero. The former Supreme Court official has a history of supporting progressive policies. And in a recent interview with the AFP, she expressed her support for decriminalization of drugs, starting with marijuana.
“We have to start thinking about the decriminalization of drugs. Obviously marijuana,” she said. Adding, “I will propose to Andrés Manuel the decriminalization of marijuana, its planting, harvesting, sale and recreational use.”
In another interview on W Radio, Sánchez Cordero elaborated, “Canada has already decriminalized, and so have several states in the United States. What are we thinking, to keep killing ourselves when others have already decriminalized? We’re going to try to move forward.”
These statements indicate that Mexico’s incoming administration will likely push for legalization – of marijuana, at least, if not more. And with López Obrador’s MORENA party (Movimiento Regeneración Nacional, or National Regeneration Movement) winning a majority in both the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, he may just have the support he needs to do it.
But Andrés Manuel will not be sworn in to office until December 1st. So until then, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

King Mini Mart

Synthetic Marijuana Poisoning Sparks 3 Chicago Arrests

Synthetic Marijuana is causing problems.

A rash of synthetic marijuana fueled hospitalizations recently led federal investigators to the King Mini Mart in Chicago’s west side. There they found three men selling a synthetic version of marijuana called “spice”. After using a drug-test kit on the substance they discovered it was laced with a deadly chemical commonly found in rat poison.
Synthetic marijuana is widely available around Chicago and across Illinois. Despite feeling safe and being widely available, many synthetic cannabinoids are illegal and can cause severe reactions. But loose regulations allow these distributors to get onto store shelves anyways. Despite looking like weed, it often affects people in drastically different ways.
The investigation was launched after authorities noticed a sharp spike in cases of people coming to the ER. Once doctors confirmed that the cases were linked, the hunt was on. In the last month there were at least 107 cases involving the tainted synthetic weed in the Chicago area. With three confirmed deaths and more possible, officials can feel the pressure building.

Police are cracking down.

Once authorities tracked the tainted product back to its source, they needed to get evidence. Agents posing as customers bought packets of spice from the small convenience store before making arrests last week. After taking three people into custody, authorities warned of a continued threat from the tainted product throughout the state.
Prosecutors charged the men with a host of offenses including conspiracy, intent to distribute and sale of controlled substances. Police also confiscated $280,000 in cash and several brands of spice during the arrest. The bust is part of a larger effort to crack down on illicit drugs in Chicago.
So far three convenience store workers are facing charges for selling synthetic marijuana tainted with a deadly chemical called brodifacoum. Chicago police continue looking for more sources of the tainted product. They fear that other locations may have spice contaminated with the same substance.

There are big differences between real and synthetic weed.

Most people understand that there is a difference between natural and synthetic products. But some struggle to identify the actual differences because they equate processed with synthetic. The real difference between the two is what chemicals go into the process.
Natural weed comes from the flowers of a living, breathing plant. It’s easy to find quality information on real weed and its uses. Nobody dies from consuming too much natural weed and some doctors recommend it medicinally.
Synthetic weed is different because technicians produce it in a lab by combining chemicals. Chemists take a bunch of stuff you can’t pronounce and mix it in ways to create something close to THC. These chemicals can combine in dangerous ways and loose regulations help some producers get away with passing them off to unsuspecting consumers.
The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) is tracking similar cases of serious health problems in people were files since March 7th. So get checked out if you experience uncontrolled bleeding from the eyes, ears, and mouth. These symptoms can indicate internal bleeding and led to the death of three victims so far.

addiction marijuana

Cannabis Addiction by Teenagers

Cannabis is the illicit drug most likely to be used by U.S. teens. There is evidence suggesting that more than 40 percent of 12th graders reported having used it once in their lifetime. With the drug considered illegal by the federal government, the use is limited to medicinal purposes, and here’s what we know about its effectiveness.
Cannabis affects people differently as they age. The recent limited findings suggest that the older a person is, the safer it is to consume cannabis. But what about teens – can they become addicted? Can medicinal cannabis help young patients with severe illnesses like cancer and epilepsy?
Let’s answer these questions in this article.
Use of Medicinal Cannabis in Children
The debate about the use of cannabis for medical purposes in children has been initiated only recently thanks to several reports describing its beneficial effect on epilepsy patients. One of the most recent ones involved Billy Caldwell, 11, who has been suffering from severe epilepsy. He obtained the first ever NHS prescription for medical marijuana in California, where it’s legal, because he could not do it in Northern Ireland.
According to Billy’s parents, the results of the oil-based medicine that is especially rich in cannabidiol (CBD) was “incredible,” and they had no choice but to fly to the U.S. and get it to help their son. A similar drug, oral cannabis oil, has been used by Mykayla Comstock, 7, who was diagnosed with leukemia. Her mother says that the drug helped Mykayla to go into cancer remission.
Short terms effect of cannabis use such as increased appetite and decreased depression helped a 16-year-old Lauren Scott, who has been fighting undifferentiated soft tissue sarcoma, an aggressive form of cancer. After trying many drugs, she turned to CBD-rich oil as well, and found it effective to manage the pain and improve mood.  
At this point, it is clear that the states which legalized medicinal cannabis allow various patients to treat their diseases and conditions. But what about addiction?
Is It Possible to Become Addicted?
The answer to this question once again emphasizes the need for a serious approach. Indeed, it is possible for teens to become addicted to cannabis. In fact, the data presented by the National Institute on Drug Abuse suggested that about 9 percent of cannabis users become addicted but the percentage increases among those who begin young (to about 17 percent).
This problem is also exacerbated by the fact that no medications are currently available to treat cannabis addiction. There are only some easing the withdrawal and blocking its intoxicating effects. The scientists exploring this issue have produced some limited studies, but it’s already possible to make some preliminary conclusions.
What Does the Science Say?
A heavy use of cannabis presents a number of problems for adolescents. For example, a study published last year in Development and Psychopathology suggested that those smoking cannabis as early as 14 perform poorer on some cognitive tests and drop out of school at a higher rate.
However, the researchers explained these results by saying that “the effects of cannabis use on verbal intelligence are explained not by neurotoxic effects on the brain but rather by a possible social mechanism.” This mechanism suggested that teens using cannabis heavily are less likely to attend school, which in turn has an impact on their ability to develop verbal intelligence.
What Should You Do if Teen Smokes Cannabis
Whatever you do, avoid severe punishment because this way you’re setting them up to become regular smokers. The best way to approach this problem is to talk openly about the problem and try to establish a bond of trust. After that, it’s all about consistent monitoring.
While some evidence suggests that cannabis may be effective for relieving epilepsy and cancer symptoms, its efficacy should be carefully evaluated over the long-term. At this point, it is clear that cannabis may have significant adverse effects, including addiction, so neglecting the risks is certainly a bad idea.

MEDS Act Sponsored By Senator Hatch

MEDS Act Sponsored by Senator Hatch

Senator Hatch Introduces the MEDS Act.

The Marijuana Effectiveness Drug Study Act (MEDS Act) was just sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah. If you have ever been to Utah, you might know that it is a highly religious state. The Mormon temples are proudly displayed and most stores are closed on Sunday. So it comes as no surprise that Senator Hatch is a dedicated Mormon.
But the Senator isn’t a blind follower. He sees the damage that opioid addiction causes and the good that cannabis can do. Especially as the U.S. grapples with spikes in teen overdose deaths rates. And the opioid crisis is causing a significant drop in U.S. labor force participation—particularly among American men. And Senator Hatch wants to stop it.
But the problem is bigger than just one state. The entire nation seems under the oppressive whip of opioid addiction. If you aren’t struggling with opioids, chances are you know someone who is. And most of them got hooked by their doctors.
Trump even declared the opioid crisis a national emergency and seeks solutions that will appease his base and his face. But Trump has yet to put forth a comprehensive sentence, much less a policy directing the nation on how to handle cannabis. And Hatch is much more pragmatic about his approach to dealing with this sensitive and rampant issue.

Senator Hatch has a plan for how to fight the opioid crisis.

Youtube Bong
As part of his plan to combat the opioid epidemic, Hatch introduced the Marijuana Effectiveness Drug Study Act of 2017 (MEDS Act). The speech he gave during the introduction Wednesday, he couldn’t help but sneak in some weed puns.
He started his speech by saying “Mr. President, it’s high time to address research into medical marijuana. Our country has experimented with a variety of state solutions without properly delving into the weeds on the effectiveness, safety, dosing, administration, and quality of medical marijuana.”
Hatch wore his religion on his sleeve but showed his willingness to compromise when he said “it will surprise no one that I am strongly against the use of recreational marijuana. I worry, however, that in our zeal to enforce the law, we too often blind ourselves to the medicinal benefits of natural substances like cannabis.”

He feels cannabis is a powerful ally in the fight.

Senator Hatch sees red tape as the big problem with cannabis today. He explained that there are no federal quality controls for marijuana-based medications. The MEDS Act would remedy that and establish standards for growing medicinal marijuana.
Bureaucratic red tape surrounding safety and efficacy prevent the kind of “rigorous scientific evidence” Hatch feels is still needed. He understands that there are many unique and powerful compounds in the cannabis plant. And the MEDS Act is his attempt at stimulating research into the potential of cannabis.
Like most of us, it took Senator Hatch a personal encounter to come around to cannabis. When a friend was faced with the choice between using weed and getting a risky brain operation, Hatch realized how important research into cannabis is.

Hatch isn’t a hippy.

He was quick to clarify that he wasn’t going to be advocating recreational consumption though. His very next words were “While I certainly do not support the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, the evidence shows that cannabis possesses medicinal properties that can truly change people’s lives for the better. And I believe, Mr. President, that we would be remiss if we threw out the baby with the bathwater.”
Senator Hatch wants to encourage research into potential medical uses for marijuana. The plan involves streamlining the research registration process. The goal is to make marijuana more available to the scientific and medical research communities.

The MEDS Act will make an impact if it passes.

marijuana grow
Ideally, the bill will sail through both houses, get signed into law and become a new foundational piece of legislation moving forward. But that seems like a pipe dream. There is plenty of cannabis reform legislation making the rounds right now and none of it has much support.
More likely, it will suffer the same fate as the other pro-cannabis legislation making the rounds in congress. Bills like the Compassionate Care Act and the Research Expansion and Respect States (CARERS) Act couldn’t find the support they needed to move forward.
These bills are stuck in a state of limbo, dead on the floor and unable to pass on. Mainly because there isn’t enough support to pass them or even to get them to a vote. This effectively makes them zombie legislation with little hope of actually passing.

Senator Hatch wants to do things right.

Smoke Sessions
The MEDS Act encourages commercial production of FDA-approved drugs derived from marijuana. It would also put pressure on the Attorney General (AG) to increase the national marijuana quota in a timely manner. It would do this by requiring the AG meet the nations changing medical, scientific and industrial needs for marijuana.
The bill would also include certain protections against abuse as well. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) would then have to develop and publish recommendations and best practices. These would include how to grow and produce marijuana for research.
But there is still a long road ahead. Even if the bill gets passed, there will be many edits, re-writes and last minute additions. Political opponents will try to dismantle the important protections and stall it out like past bills. It’s hard to tell how far this one will go. But we can at least hope it goes all the way.

What do you think about Senator Hatch and the MEDS Act? Do you think it will become law? Let us know why or why not in the comments below.

Blaze It The History of Weed

History of Marijuana

To say that marijuana has a long history would be an understatement.

As far back as there are records, marijuana or ‘cannabis’ as it is traditionally known, was integral to human culture. To truly understand why people across millennia grew cannabis, we need to understand what makes cannabis better than other plants. Cannabis can feed, clothe, heal, fuel and build civilizations.
Why would farmers in every corner of the earth and in every period of human history cultivate this specific plant? There are a lot of answers to that question and most depend on perspective. Let me highlight some of the best examples throughout the ages of how cannabis helped shape the course of human history.

Farming generally depends on fertile soil, consistent water and plenty of light.

But different plants have different needs so farmers need to balance the way they plant crops to keep from making the land infertile. Cannabis has the special properties of not needing to be rotated like many other crops and is drought resistant. These properties make cultivating cannabis from areas like the equator to the arctic circle very easy.
But genetics also play a key role in plant development. Long ago, our ancestors saw mutated cannabis ruderalis that was larger and produced better fiber than her sisters. Another natural mutation produced more seed than wild versions. Ancient farmers recognized the benefits of cannabis cultivation and created new breeds called cannabis sativa and hemp.

Cannabis is resistant to most diseases.

Plants like beans, corn and wheat produce pollen and flowers in a single plant. Male cannabis plants produce pollen and one male can fertilize females for miles around. The females produce flowers that if pollinated will produce seed. If the female plant remains unpollinated, the flowers become coated in a thick layer of trichomes.
The Great Famine of 1840’s Ireland and the recent Panama Banana Plague are both examples of major disease risk to farmers. Many plants are susceptible to a wide range of fungus, pests and bacteria. It’s a waste of a farmer’s time to grow plants they can’t protect from pathogens and pests.
Sexual reproduction made cannabis immune to many diseases, harsh conditions and pests that plague other crops. Cannabis tends to survive conditions that annihilate other plants including drought, frost and many pests. While not invincible, cannabis is surprisingly hardy and provides a robust natural defense against conditions outside a farmers control.

Cannabis is very special in the plant world. landrace 2

In addition to the natural resilience of the plant, it grows in soil that would strangle other crops. Cannabis also grows season after season in poor grade soil; a process that kills crops like corn, lettuce and tomatoes. It also revitalizes the soil for other plants by reintroducing nitrogen and breaks up compacted soil with its roots.
These properties make cannabis a great plant to grow but it has other traits that set it apart from the rest. Properties like producing the strongest, softest fiber for cloth and rope. Hemp seed also has more protein than beans and a near perfect ratio of omega vitamins. Few plants can claim to produce food and clothing but cannabis doesn’t stop there.

The medical properties of cannabis are incredible.Landrace Strain 1

Roman doctors used cannabis leaves to make anti-fungal bandages, cannabis tinctures to treat pain and hemp thread to sew wounds. The tradition of using cannabis for medicine wasn’t exclusive to Rome. Ancient Chinese doctors prescribed the plant to ease headaches, menstrual cramps, and improve virility. Monarchs from Europe like Queen Victoria used cannabis tincture. And even the Vikings sailed with rigging of hemp.

Cannabis is from a land before time.cannabis lights

Thousands of years before the first clocks graced the palaces of China, and centuries before the great pyramids were erected, cannabis was grown for fiber and food. In ancient caves and forgotten settlements around the world, thousand year-old hemp fibers are found regularly.
The 20th century saw humanity try to destroy itself and criminalizing cannabis was part of that history. Yet even the most anti-pot countries in the world continue to import massive amounts of hemp fiber and oil. Humanity is tied to cannabis in an ancient symbiosis that goes back to the beginning.
The deep history of humanity is spotty and full of holes. But if modern theories like those proposed by Carl Sagan are correct, civilization may be the result of convergent evolution of humanity and cannabis. It is possible that cannabis was the first crop ever cultivated, leading to the foundations of civilization as we know it.

Canna-Culture is older than most Gods but still tied to them.

As one of the few animals in the world with an endo-cannabinoid system, we are uniquely positioned in the animal world to benefit from consuming it. This kind of biological interaction takes many generations to develop. Further implying that human ancestors regularly consumed cannabis before agriculture took root.
By the time Christianity, Hinduism and Islam rolled around, all used cannabis in their ceremonies. But they weren’t the first or only ones to use ganja as a holy sacrament. Hebrew rabbi’s included cannabis flower in their anointing oils. In fact, Jesus himself was anointed with cannabis infused oil.
Centuries before Jesus was healing the sick, the Hindu god Shiva was talking about weed. Known as Shiva’s nectar, ganja helps Hindu holy men (and women) receive and interpret the desires of Shiva. It also helps them avoid the temptations of the world and maintain their spirit-centric lifestyles. The tradition was ancient even before they erected the majestic temples slowly sinking into the topography of Nepal.

Canna-Culture remains strong today.

Despite decades of global criminalization, recreational cannabis use is more common today than 100 years ago. Hemp still provides a major role in the textile industry although synthetic fabrics dominate the market. And doctors from Israel to Ireland and the US still prescribe cannabis.
The special properties that made cannabis attractive to ancient farmers remain important today. We still need strong, soft and durable fiber, we still need food and we still need medicine. As humanity moves into the 21st century, marijuana looks to remain a staple of civilization.
There is so much more to the history of marijuana that I couldn’t hope to touch on it all in a single article. I couldn’t even get to the importance of cannabis in the development of writing! Let us know in the comments below what other important historical facts I missed.

10 Things You Will Experience When Trying Marijuana The First Time

10 Things You Will Experience When Trying Marijuana the First Time

If you have ever been curious about trying cannabis for your first time, don’t worry.  This is a completely normal anxiety.  While there are many reasons for the use of marijuana, the effects can be different for everyone.  There are, however, similar things that people experience.  Knowing how marijuana will affect you may help to lessen your anxiety.  So before using a service to get marijuana, know what to expect.
Trying Marijuana for the First Time
There is really no wrong way to try marijuana for the first time.  These days cannabis comes in so many different forms.  There is no reason why you have to smoke low quality bud as a starter.  While nothing can compare to top shelf flower, there are other things to consider.  If you are worried about your lung health, consider using an edible.  With products like edibles, topical creams and tinctures, your options are endless.
It is important to note that while smoking marijuana will bring you instant results, other ways are much slower.  This is especially true for edibles.  If you are using one of these, remember to wait an hour or two before taking another dose.  This will be the big difference between having a positive first time experience and a negative one.

  1. Body High

A body is one of the first things you will experience.  Some people describe this as an out of body experience.  Your limbs will feel weightless.  This is great for people who suffer from chronic pain.  You will still have complete functions over your body so have no fear.  If the high becomes too much for you, find a quiet spot to sleep it off.

  1. Fuzzy Head

The THC in marijuana means that you can experience some insane brain highs.  While you might not be able to think clearly, this will all depend on how much you have consumed.  It is important to know your limits.  This is especially true when it comes to doing everyday activities like driving.

  1. Hunger

Different strains will affect you differently.  But, no matter what the strain, chances are you will get hungry.  Munchies are not a cannabis myth.  Stock up on tons of healthy snacks before trying marijuana for the first time.

  1. Euphoria

One of the main reasons why people love using marijuana in is because of the euphoric properties.  Euphoria helps with common social problems like anxiety and depression.  This can actually help you to lead a productive life again.

  1. Sleepiness

A common effect that first time marijuana users experience is sleepiness.  While this may seem like a waste of good bud, it has its benefits.  Insomnia suffers love to use indica strain cannabis to help them sleep at night.  Sleepiness will also depend on how much cannabis you have consumed.

  1. Mellow

The most common thing you will experience is a serious mellow state of mind.  This means that not only will your body be calm but your mind will be too.  This is a great way to help to deal with anxiety and stress.  It also can help you out in most social situations.

  1. Settled Stomach

A calm stomach is a big reason why pain suffered love to use cannabis.  If you are smoking weed for the first time and you have stomach pain, it will pass.  The THC in marijuana has been known to calm severe stomach pains.  Just be careful, swallowing too much smoke can have an adverse reaction.

  1. Giggles

While this experience doesn’t have any healing value, it sure is a lot of fun.  People who smoke marijuana for the first time have an overwhelming urge to laugh.  This can make even the most mundane of situations fun.  Like all of the other effects, this too will pass.  So, enjoy it while you can.

  1. Dry Mouth

Cotton mouth is one of the more unpleasant symptoms of smoking marijuana.  If you are planning on smoking weed for the first time, make sure to surround yourself with water.  Having plenty of fluids on hand will help to offset this little annoyance.

  1. Lack of Motivation

While some strains are known as “work friendly” that isn’t always the case for every type of weed.  To keep you from wasting a perfectly good work day, plan on smoking on your day off.  This way you can see how marijuana affects you before returning to work.
Final Thoughts
When looking to try marijuana in  for the first time,  Just remember to take it slow and to not put too many expectations on yourself.  Everyone will have a different experience, even when taking the same strain.  So have fun and experiment.


Cannabis Cultivators Struggle to Go Green

Cannabis Cultivators try and grow environmentally friendly when possible.

Currently, cannabis cultivators are struggling with the large carbon footprint that is needed to produce weed. Marijuana uses just as much energy as a hospital per square foot, and eight times more than an average commercial building. There are major monetary rewards for growers who figure out a constructive method for reducing the environmental footprint.
Cannabis cultivators are trying to reduce the amount of energy needed, water and pesticides. In the U.S. 29 states have legalized marijuana, but no state has implemented strict environment friendly growing regulations. It’s a difficult task because currently there’s no scientific study that recommends which method for cultivation is safest for the environment.

Scientists are needed for testing but are limited due to costs.

Cannabis testing labs are only required to test 0.01% of product for potency and microbes. Other facilities would like to test for more potential issues but it is expensive to do so. But the market is extremely competitive and therefore additional tests are seen as an unneeded expense. “With limited testing, and the desperation to maintain and appease their clients, a lot of the value of laboratories has been lost.” Says a laboratory owner wanting to remain anonymous.

There are problems with testing a small amount of cannabis products.

Facilities are required to check one sample instead of several samples from each batch or an annual harvest. Re-validation is only necessary if the cultivators change their growing process such as adding a new nutrient.
Some labs have manipulated their results to appease their clients, and the state won’t do anything about it. A couple in Colorado do just that. The husband owns the extraction facility and the wife runs the testing lab. They fudge their results to make it seem like they are selling the highest concentration available. The state won’t and can’t do anything about them. If cannabis was treated the same as a food or typical medicine, then 1% of all regulated product would be tested instead of the current 0.01%.
Florida House of Representative members Matt Gaetz and Darron Soto proposed a bill to move cannabis to schedule III. This act would reduce restrictions on cannabis to the same level as Vicodin, making it easier for labs to test. Not just labs, but Universities and other institutions could study marijuana as well.

A lack of organic cannabis certification makes it difficult to control quality.

Only a handful of cultivators try and go above and beyond for their clients. One of the dispensaries in Colorado called, L’Eagle Services, grow high end cannabis and can claim “100% clean cannabis”. A problem L’Eagle runs into is they can’t label their products with official organic certification because it’s not federally legal.
This makes it hard for companies like L’Eagle to offer a clear distinction for their customers. One of L’Eagle’s owners said, “There is no real, national, universal seal of organic certification. It doesn’t exist right now.” Currently, there is no real way for customers to tell the difference between organic and non-organic grade marijuana.

The Organic Cannabis Association looks to create a standard.

The Organic Cannabis Association is trying to develop a national organic seal for cultivators to be able to use. Andrle is one of the owners of L’Eagle, and one of the chair members of The Organic Cannabis Association. Andrle says that they want to change the way people buy weed. And they want to change the way people perceive cannabis.
The Organic Cannabis Association (TOCA) wants organically grown weed to be seen similar to Whole Foods produce. When people think of Whole Foods, healthy and organic comes to everybody’s minds. And that is exactly what TOCA wants consumers to start seeing organic weed as.
People who shop at Whole Foods look for pesticide free vegetables, free-range eggs, wild-caught fish and hormone free meats. TOCA wants the nation to treat organic grade cannabis as a natural, healthier version than normal store brand weed. “We are in a unique period where the cannabis industry does not have federal oversight,” says Ashley Preece. She is the new Executive Director of the Cannabis Certification Council (CCC). “The [organic] certification will give consumers a way to be assured that what they’re putting into their bodies is safe, clean, and supporting their local communities.”

An official organic seal is not the only reason to grow green.

Growers are looking for creative methods that cut down on expensive energy costs. California indoor cannabis cultivators are responsible for 3% of the entire state’s energy consumption and it continues to rise. However, there is nothing California can do to help reduce the costs for the time being.
Mrs. Darwish received a California CCC permit in 2016. After growing for 15 years in Humboldt County, her team no longer needs to hide their growing operation in the mountains. Mrs. Darwish does her best to maintain a low environmental footprint. She claims to not use pesticides or fertilizers. And she keeps track of her water consumption carefully. According to Mrs. Darwish, “We believe that sustainability extends to setting a high standard for conduct, and we are working to show the community that the emerging legal cannabis industry is contributing to society, not taking from it.”

Not all cultivators have access to Eco-friendly options.

Growing outdoors slashes the costs of energy because cultivation teams like Mrs. Darwish do not require to purchase grow lights. Warehouse growers have to pay a lot more; they require lots of energy for indoor cultivation. LED and regular grow light systems, HVAC systems, and general utility costs consume much of the environment’s resources. But not everyone is blessed with an outdoor growing option.
Many cannabis cultivators are inner city and have no other option but to continue to use expensive systems. Slowly but surely more and more cultivators will create innovative measures for growing green but for now things are in limbo. Hopefully, the federal system will embrace cannabis and allow research institutions to assist in creating ingenious cannabis Eco-friendly grow methods.

weed states

These 12 States Consume the Most Marijuana

The United States is still feeling the effects of the 2016 Election. A lot of controversy surrounds the results of the Presidential portion of Election Day. However, many states voted in favor across the board on one particular item this past year – to legalize marijuana.
Nine states voted on marijuana laws, resulting in eight states favoring the use of the medicinal plant. Now, more than half of the states in America allow the use of marijuana in some form. This past election season has brought the current tally up to 29 states plus the District of Columbia.
There are two different ways that marijuana is regulated in the U.S.A. It is regulated both recreationally and medicinally. Therefore, in some states one or the other may be legal. In others, it may be both.
Recreational laws are much like drinking laws. You have to be at least 21 to buy cannabis. The second regulation is medicinally. This is where a specialist writes you a prescription for a strane that will placate to your needs, whether it be depression, anxiety, eating disorders, HIV, etc.  
Out of the 29 states, as well as D.C., here are the 12 that consume the most marijuana.

  1. California

Legalizing marijuana medically in 1996, California was the first state to vote in favor of marijuana in the United States. However, the west-coast state only voted this past election season to legalize it recreationally. With 4,633,000 users, California has the most total users in the United States. However, with a population of 39.25 million, only 14.9% of Cali residents use marijuana, ranking the Golden State at the bottom of this list percentage-wise.

  1. Michigan

Marijuana has been medically legal for almost a decade, as Michigan passed a law in favor of it in 2008. Since then, 1,304,000 of the 9.93 million that populate the Wolverine State use marijuana as treatment for their ailments. That makes 15.6% of the state marijuana users.

  1. New Mexico

New Mexico is currently in its tenth year of legalized medical marijuana. However, there seems to be no shift any time soon as it comes to legalizing it recreationally. Many states have a tendency to begin with the decriminalization of marijuana prior to making the plant recreationally legal. However, in New Mexico, a maximum marijuana fine can still carry up to $5,000. Of the 2.08 million that inhabit the Land of Enchantment, 267,000 people use medical marijuana, making up 15.6% of the population.

  1. New Hampshire

House Bill 573 passed in 2013, making medical marijuana legal in New Hampshire. Of the 1.33 million who call The Granite State Home, 194,000 people use medicinal marijuana. That makes for 17.1% of the state benefitting from the plant.

  1. Massachusetts

Massachusetts took a big stand for cannabis in 2008, when it decriminalized possession of the plant to $100 for less than an ounce. The New England-based state also voted yes to Question 2, legalizing medical marijuana that year as well. It wasn’t until this past election where Massachusetts citizens voted yes to recreational marijuana. Now, 989,000 of the 6.81 million residents of Massachusetts use marijuana, which equals 17.6% of the state.

  1. Rhode Island

The smallest of the United States is one of the smokiest. With only 1.6 million people in the coastal state, 170,000 use marijuana medically. With such a small population, that means 18.7% use marijuana to treat their illnesses.

  1. Maine

Maine was one of the first states to legalize marijuana medically, as they passed a bill in 1999. However, recreational marijuana only became legal this past election. With 1.33 million people living in the Pine Tree State, 224,000 use marijuana in some form. That means that 19.4% of the northernmost part of New England are marijuana users.

  1. Washington

The Evergreen State sure does love its green. In 2012, Washington voted to legalize marijuana recreationally and medically. Now, 1,105,000 of the 7.29 million who live on this Canadian border-state use marijuana. Edging out Maine by a hair, 19.5% of Washingtonians participate in marijuana consumption.

  1. Alaska

The 49th State was not one of the last to legalize marijuana. Back in 2014, Alaska voted yes to both recreational and medicinal marijuana. Now, 114,000 of the 741,894 Last Frontier residents use marijuana in some form, making up 19.5% percent of the largest state in America.

  1. Vermont

The home of Bernie Sanders loves their marijuana. Cannabis became legalized medically back in 2004, and has been decriminalized numerous times since. In 2016 and 2017, bills have passed and stalled to legalize the plant recreationally. However, it is widely believed that The Green Mountain State will get greener in 2018. As for now, 108,000 people out of 624,594 use the plant, which makes for 19.8% percent of the state.

  1. Oregon

Oregon is well-known for its greener lifestyle. That’s what makes it an easy number 2 on our list. Since 2014, 646,000 of the 4.9 million people living in Oregon consume marijuana either recreationally or medicinally. That measures out to 19.9% of the state utilizing the plant.

  1. Colorado

No other state may be more synonymous with marijuana than the forerunner of ending the prohibition on recreational weed, Colorado. As of 2012, the Rocky Mountain State has been the standard bearer of marijuana, producing billions of tax revenues that have gone toward schools and infrastructure. 909,000 of the 5.54 million in Colorado use the plant recreationally and medicinally. That makes for 21.6% of the state’s residents marijuana users.

Infographic courtesy of Badass Glass, an online headshop offering some of the best selections of premium glassware on the internet.