Mysticism 1

10 Best Things to Do While Stoned

What are some fun things to do while stoned? This is a question that has an answer many may not expect. Today’s stoner is not the lazy jobless bum on the couch that reefer madness and decades of negative anti-cannabis propaganda has painted a picture of. Many stoners today are driven by the pursuit of knowledge and happiness. They want to help facilitate and usher in a much-needed change in our way of life. From spirituality to the environment and virtually everywhere in between the cannabis consumers of today are changing the stereotypical stoner stigma of yesteryear.
With that in mind, many of us still love to get stoned. Getting stoned is an escape from the pressures and weights of daily life. Instead of our minds being blocked by the worries of paying bills on time, remembering important dates, and keeping general life in order cannabis allows many people a slight release of these responsibilities. People who consume cannabis can focus on a wide array of other things they enjoy while confidently knowing things like bills and other general aspects of life will remain there waiting for them always.
Cannabis consumers tend to enjoy many of the same things. Wizards, space, spirituality and mysticism, environmental issues and technological advancements, the list goes on when it comes to things to explore while you’re in an elevated state of mind.  Here are 10 things to do when high!

Explore Your Spirituality

Exploring your spirituality sometimes is more than just looking at how many times or if you go to church. It’s more than your religious point of view. Morality, minimalism, evil, money, the afterlife, and more all help explain the spirituality of an individual. Where does life come from and what is its purpose? What is my goal in life? These are all journeys you can take into exploring your spirituality.
Keep an open mind even outside of particular religions you are accustomed to. Countless souls before you have embarked on the journey to discover a deeper understanding of their spirituality. Cannabis can help facilitate the calmness and clarity needed to assimilate information that may help you find out more about your spirituality.

Dive into Mysticism

Stand on the board and plunge gracefully into the sea of mysticism while you enjoy a heightened state of mind through cannabis. Mysticism offers many paths to help discover hidden truths in the pursuit of knowledge. Religious ecstasies combined with ideologies such as myths, legends, ethics, magic, and rites frequently help individuals on their path of discovery.
Utilizing the time you have with heightened senses thanks to a balanced endocannabinoid system makes for a perfect opportunity to explore mysticism and all it entails. Learn about the stars, how to read tarot cards, or explore meditation. These are just some of the things you can do to increase your study into mysticism and all it stands to offer.

Learn About Holism

Holism is a word that is commonly applied to ecology, language, and the mental state of mind. It refers to an intimate interconnection that makes independent parts something more allowing them to function as a whole. The general precipice of holism is that properties should be perceived not as parts of the collection but as a whole. Jan Smuts and Alfred Adler can offer extensive insight into holism and the role it plays in the perceivable universe as we know it.

Increase Your Environmentalism

Sociology, ideology, and philosophy are all influencing environmentalism. The perception of concern related to protecting the environment has given birth to the field of environmentalism. Exploring the avenues of preserving the environment and facilitating a greener tomorrow is a great way to spend some of your elevated time. Cannabis consumers are typically very health conscious and environmentally driven contrary to propaganda.
Organics, sustainability, and environmental longevity are all areas of concern for many cannabis consumers. Actively participating in discussion forums, blogging, and vlogging are all great ways to help facilitate information and knowledge about environmentalism. Not to mention they seem to be that much more profound and clearer when the earth plant cannabis is in hand.


Art is a great avenue to explore while in an elevated state of mine. Consuming cannabis can help spark creativity giving you the creative juices needed to create beautiful works of art. Tattoos, acrylic painting, molding clay, working with wood, and many other forms of art can be amplified for greatness thanks to the influence of cannabis.
Art inspired by cannabis isn’t always pictures of pot leaves or joints with faces. Relaxing and achieving a state of mental clarity is essential for any artist looking to create something profound. Perhaps this is why cannabis is so revered amongst the artistic community.


Perhaps you’re a poet and didn’t even know it. Give yourself a chance to see how poetically inclined you are the next time you have a sesh. You can write down poetry on your phone, laptop or computer. You can even scribble it on a napkin while sitting in a restaurant. The word you create in your mind could go on to help influence countless others. Poetry isn’t always about rhyming. It’s about getting your point across in a variety of different methods.

Culinary Skills

Practicing your culinary skills while stoned is a winner chicken dinner, literally. Pretty much anyone who consumes cannabis is going to get a case of the munchies. When the munchies come calling don’t sit there bawling and pick up the phone ordering some quick fast food. Instead, head to the kitchen and create some culinary cuisine that you’ll be proud of.
Fresh meats, fruits, and vegetables are not only fun to prepare in a multitude of different methods, but they’re fun to devour as well. You get to practice your culinary skills and at the same time make some great munchies. Maybe it’s time to try that chicken alfredo recipe or that southern fried chicken recipe you’ve been wanting to try. Perhaps you want to make a batch of fresh chicken enchiladas. No matter how you look at it as long as you give it your all you’ll end up with a winner chicken dinner when practicing your culinary skills stoned.


One of the greatest pastimes possibly of all to do while you’re stoned is to have sex. Sex with a partner is generally better than sex by yourself, but either way will work. Sex is an essential avenue for human health. Without sex certain chemicals in our bodies are not produced as they should be. This can lead to a little insane activity in the brain. Don’t allow your mind to become sexually deprived. Take advantage of your heightened state of relaxation to enjoy sex or even masturbation.


When consumers are in an elevated state of mind thanks to cannabis, they find that typical things stand out a little more. Photography is a great thing to practice when you’re stoned. When you are under the influence of the cannabinoids found in cannabis you may have a better eye for the shot then when you’re not.
The relaxing and calming attributes of cannabis will sometimes allow people to do more than just stop and smell the roses, it will enable them to remember to take a photograph of the moment to remember forever. Imagine a picture of you smelling a rose while stoned standing in a garden. That picture will last forever meaning you’ll stay stoned for a moment in time eternally. Now that’s deep!


The last thing most of us think about is exercise when it comes to getting high. However, this is proving to be something that many cannabis consumers enjoy. People who previously wouldn’t hit the gym or partake in exercise activities because they were self-conscious seem not to give a phuck when stoned.
They don’t worry about what people will say about them or think about them. Instead, they lace up their shoes and start exercising. For someone who has social anxiety going to a gym can be a nightmare. If you remove that social anxiety from the equation, the gym suddenly isn’t that frightening of a place. In fact, all that workout equipment can be quite fun to play with when you’re stoned.

These are only a few suggestions of the best things to do when you’re stoned. Consuming cannabis heightens senses and increases the emotional state of being for many consumers. Take advantage of these good feelings of happiness and apply them to the things you enjoy in life. What are some of the interesting things you like to do when you are high? Let us know in the comments below! We hope you enjoyed our list of 10 elevated activities to do while stoned!