teen vape epidemic

6 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking and Start Vaping

Vaping is becoming incredibly popular as an alternative way to smoke. So if you’re wondering if it’s better and why, this article is for you. 

We’ve created this list of the top six reasons to make the switch. Read on to discover why we think you should quit smoking and start vaping.

A Healthy High

Vaping is associated with less toxic exposure than traditional smoking methods. It’s not as harsh on your throat. There are also calls for switching from smoking to vaping to reduce its effect on your overall well-being. 


A healthier high is a significant part of its appeal. Besides, vaping may produce a quicker and more potent high, which is literally more bang for your buck. Some experts recommend that you vaporize cannabis flowers whole for best results. 

Spoilt for Choice

You’ve got a vast range of options when it comes to vaping devices and systems. There are plenty of places where you can buy it ready to use off the shelf.  


Or get creative, order the components online, and make your own DIY version to suit your taste. If you’re not sure where to begin your search, this is the site that might be a great starting point. 

Another benefit is that you purchase it once-off, and you’ll then have a device you can use over and over again. When you’re ready to expand or experiment some more, you can add to your vaping collection. 


You also get to select how much of the herb you add to your device, and you can decide if you go for a fine or medium grind. You’re in control, and over time you’ll get used to the ideal heat setting and temperature, too, so that works best for you.


Tell-Tale Signs 

Recent research proposes that vaping possibly presents less oral health risks than smoking. One of the sure signs of smoking is damage to and discoloration of your teeth. 


Opting to vape rather than smoke will not stain your fingertips either. This helps you look unblemished, and you’ll have less of the tell-tale signs of smoking to deal with. 


Person Young Woman Smoking Cigarette Adult

Clean and Less Smelly

You can always smell it when someone smokes, and it lingers. Vaping avoids this as there’s less of an after smell to deal with. The devices are often sold with cleaning accessories to keep it free from reeking and in tip-top shape. 


You don’t have to worry about searching for gum, constantly spraying air freshener, or perpetually washing your hands to get rid of the odors. That means less to worry about, and your clothes and hair will remain smelling fresh and smoke-free too.


Discretion and Options 

Vaping can be discreet, and depending on the device you choose, you can easily conceal it. If you don’t like it to be obvious, opt for a smaller and compact vaping device that you can easily cover. 


Look out for a range of vaping systems disguised as everyday objects to keep it from prying eyes. As it’s less invasive and more considerate, vaping is sometimes allowed in traditional non-smoking areas. 



Vaping is more eco-friendly than smoking. You can show your care for the planet, reduce your carbon footprint, and not add any more paper, filters, or buds to the environment. 


As you continually vape with the same device, you’re being resourceful by reusing and reducing your impact on mother nature. 


Final Thoughts

Vaping has several wellness and lifestyle benefits over smoking. You get to choose a system or device you want to smoke from, plus you can be discreet.


There’s less of the tell-tale signs, and it’s an option that’s kinder to the environment too. Why not give it a try as a popular way for a healthier high.