post 4

Coming up with original ways to use up your shake and trim shouldn’t be too difficult of a task. If it is, then you have way too much shake or trim on your hands. In case you’re not sure what you have lets clarify the difference. Shake is what you get when tiny pieces of bud break off in a container or bag and end up on the bottom of it.
It kind of resembles weed that’s already been broken up. Trim is the excess from harvesting buds and clipping them to manicured perfection. Leaves from trim will have trichomes on them but frequently will not provide the same euphoric buzz that shake will. Either way, if you have some of either on hand, there are many different things you can do with it.

Give it Away

If you’re really feeling generous one of the most sharing and caring things you can do is gift that shake or trim to a friend in need. Maybe all your friends suck, or they just don’t smoke. Whatever the case is if you’re looking for ways to utilize your shake or trim here are a few ways to accomplish that task.

Make CannaButter

Use your shake or trim to make yummy for your tummy delectable cannabutter. Shake or trim works beautifully to make sensational cannabis-infused butter. In return, you’ll have an endless array of culinary treats that you can prepare with an elevated kick from cannabutter.

Make Cannabis Extracts

You can use your trim or shake to make concentrates too! That’s right you can make wax. Depending on your method of extraction you can get anywhere from 50 to 80 g out of a pound of trim or shake depending on its quality. The more trichomes, the better.

Make Cannabis-Infused Oil

Another great idea to help use up that trim or shake is to make it into an oil. Making your own cannabis oil is not only healthy but a great way to utilize that excess herb that’s just going to waste.

Vape it Up

An herbal vaporizer is another excellent way to use up that stash. These devices will allow you to vape the essential oils from the plant without combusting the material which is known to be a little bit harsh at times.

Make an Alcohol Concoction

Using up your cannabis shake or trim is a great idea. You don’t want just to leave the stuff lying around and let it go bad. It does dry up and can and will lose its potency. If you are making wax making oil, making butter and still have trim left over perhaps try throwing some in rubbing alcohol to make a tremendous topical medication or adding some to drinking alcohol to make a great cannabis-infused cocktail for a later date.
What type of creative ways can you come up with to use up your trim or shake?

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