
What Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC is used for

Dozens of years of research indicate many restorative uses for THC.

Tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, is often the most desired chemical found in cannabis. It is best known for bringing on the high that weed is known for. As one of the few compounds found in cannabis that is psychoactive, doctors and scientists have discovered many ways to utilize THC.
The extraction of pure Tetrahydrocannabinol was perfected by an Israeli physicist named Raphael Mechoulam. In 1964, Mechoulam separated and blended THC from Lebanese hashish, denoting the start of cannabis research that would prompt to the revelation of various different cannabinoids and how they interact with the body.
While the discoveries have been many and inspiring, they are not without their doubters. The federal government has classified cannabis as a schedule 1 drug meaning it has no medical benefit. This is in addition to the government obtaining patents for the neuro-protective capabilities of cannabis.
Be that as it may, while chemicals like cannabidiol (CBD) have begun to pick up support because of their absence of psychoactivity, many years of research have uncovered various health advantages one of a kind to THC. Here are a few of the most common uses.

Tetrahydrocannabinol relieves some types of pain.

A standout amongst the most common uses of therapeutic weed is for pain treatment. Upon closer examination, evidence has shown that Tetrahydrocannabinol interacts with the central nervous system to prevent the transmission of certain types of pain. Moreover, cannabis has been appeared to be particularly successful against neuropathic agony, or nerve-related pain.
The nerve signals that our brains sense as pain come from special cells with receptors on them. They become activated by temperature, touch, movement, or chemical changes in their environment. Pain signals arise and travel to the brain by one of three main pathways, each of which produces different pain sensations: somatic, visceral, and neuropathic.

There are three types of pain in general.

is the feeling most people recognize when they think about pain: a message sent by receptors located throughout the body whenever injury occurs. Somatic pain signals travel to the brain through nerves bundles and are typically experienced as a constant, dull ache. THC is able to reduce swelling and other contributing factors to somatic pain but in general is not very effective treatment.


occurs when skin or organs in the abdomen become stretched or otherwise disturbed from disease or injury. Pain signals issue from a special class of receptors present in the gut, producing feelings of pressure deep inside the body. Visceral pain can seem to be coming from different parts of the body than its actual source. THC is able to counteract feelings of nausea and many elements of chronic visceral pain.


occurs when the nerves are injured. It is often experienced as a burning sensation that can occur in response to even a gentle touch. Neuropathic pain usually doesn’t respond to narcotic painkillers making it stand out from the other types of pain. Antidepressant or anticonvulsant drugs, along with surgical procedures normally treat this type of pain but THC has also been found to be highly effective.

Cannabis is an excellent plant that has shown surprisingly positive results as a neuropathic treatment. The Tetrahydrocannabinol within that cannabis is able to work on a level that crosses many typical treatment boundaries. Pain treated by THC may be acute or chronic, blindingly intense or mind-numbingly dull. The pain can be momentary or have persisted for days to years.
However long it takes before a patient tries cannabis, it doesn’t take long for them to finally find relief. For acute pain, such as the discomfort that follows surgery, doctors typically prescribe opiates: narcotic drugs derived from, or chemically similar to, opium.

THC is better at dealing with some types of pain than opiates.

During the short-term treatment of intense pain, opiates offer significantly stronger relief for most patients. For chronic pain however, the tables turn in favor of Tetrahydrocannabinol. Treating chronic pain with opiates rarely brings relief.
Chemical dependence also becomes an issue with opiates as usage continues. Cannabinoids like THC have been proven to be non-addictive and highly effective for chronic pain. These differences combine to show that cannabinoids have significant promise in neuroscience and fundamental understandings of pain.
Peripheral nerves that detect pain sensations contain abundant receptors. Many of these receptors are tailor made for cannabinoids. According to research, cannabinoids appear to block peripheral nerve pain in experimental animals. Even more encouraging, some initial studies suggest that opiates and cannabinoids suppress pain differently.
If that is the case, marijuana-based medicines could combine with opiates to boost pain-relieving power while limiting the side effects. There are real hurdles to overcome if the initial Tetrahydrocannabinol research holds up. With the exponential expansion of scientific frontiers in recent decades and the recent deregulation of cannabis in over 26 states, we should have a significantly better understanding in the next decade.

Some people even use Tetrahydrocannabinol to treat PTSD.

Post traumatic stress disorder has only recently been classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) compared to other psychosomatic issues. PTSD is tied to traumatic memories and affects people from every walk of life. Soldiers, doctors, librarians and children can all have PTSD. Finding a safe treatment for so many different demographics is almost impossible.
Discovery of the endocannabinoid system by Dr. Mechoulam made safe treatment of PTSD, along with Parkinson’s and Cerebral Palsy a possibility. Since its discovery in the 1950’s, science has learned that Tetrahydrocannabinol is pharmacologically plastic. By manipulating the endocannabinoid system with THC and other cannabinoids, doctors are able to offer relief to patients that would otherwise have none.

We need more research to discover all that THC has to offer.

With the federal government classifying cannabis as a schedule 1 narcotic, it makes research in America almost impossible. There are some states like Oregon, Washington, California and many others that have taken steps to end Tetrahydrocannabinol prohibition but the fight is far from over.
Scientists can’t study cannabis if government continues to demonize it. As more states join the green revolution, it puts pressure on federal legislators to rethink their stance on legalization. If the community is able to enact declassification of cannabis it will remove the final argument against full legalization.
Once cannabis is removed from the scheduled substance list, we will finally put the whole scientific community to work, not just one Israeli scientist. No disrespect to Isreal, it’s just that cannabis is grown in other places to. We shouldn’t be stopping the Jamaican, American or Ukrainian scientific communities from contributing to THC research.
Thanks for reading.

weedreader n

THC vs. CBD: What Do They Do?

Have you ever wondered what THC and CBD are?

For those who don’t know, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are potent chemical compounds produced in the trichomes on cannabis flowers. Trichomes are the small mushroom looking structures that sparkle like crystals in the light. Cannabis with a high concentration of THC or CBD is prized over just about anything else.
The states that allow cannabis sales require licensed retailers to prominently display the THC, CBD and possibly several other three letter words for everything with cannabis in it. People are always talking about how potent cannabis has become compared to times past and equating it with the THC and CBD content. This all points to THC and CBD being important, but why?
To start, cannabinoids are a group of compounds that our bodies and plants produce naturally. There are over 85 different cannabinoids identified so far with more just waiting to be catalogued. They are called cannabinoids because when Raphael Mechoulam  first identified them back in 1964, they were in the cannabis plants the Israeli doctor was studying.
Science has shown that our own bodies produce and process cannabinoids in immune and nerve cells. Humans are not unique in this ability to process cannabinoids either. The systems needed can be found in many mammals including dogs and cats.
Some animals simply can’t process THC and CBD. Insects like bees and ladybugs don’t have the right systems to be affected by the cannabinoids produced in cannabis. So even if insects or reptiles get covered in cannabinoids, it can’t get them high.
Science is discovering that the connection humans have to cannabis goes down to the molecular level. Continued research into the structure of THC and CBD has revealed that they are structural isomers. Essentially, they have the same basic parts but get arranged in a different way.

How do THC and CBD Work?

Cannabinoids like THC and CBD are able to bond with a special network or system of receptors in our cells. This system is present in most mammals, that is why cats and dogs will respond to cannabis in similar ways as you and I.
The specific receptors responsible for how weed makes us feel are called the CB1 and CB2 receptors. They were named after the different cannabinoids they are specialized to work with. I agree it’s not a very interesting name but being as simple as possible makes for easier science.
This system is called the endo-cannabinoid system. Endo for inside and cannabinoid for the type of chemical they work with. Cannabinoids like THC and CBD activate the receptors by mimicking the  neurotransmitters our bodies naturally produce called anandamides. Our bodies can’t tell the difference and accept the imposters without question. Yet each cannabinoid has a unique effect.

  • CB1 receptors respond to THC and are responsible for the psychoactive effects of cannabis. They are present in most of the brain and play a role in vital functions like; memory, mood, sleep, appetite and pain sensation. Cancer, insomnia, PSTD, MS, and many more disorders respond positively to CB1 stimulation.
  • CB2 receptors respond to CBD and are responsible for the anti-inflammatory effects of cannabis. They are found in immune cells and help reduce inflammation. Since inflammation is an immune response that is believed to be a factor in many diseases and conditions, controlling it can have life altering effects for people.

THC Ladybug

How are THC and CBD different?

THC is psychoactive, meaning it affects consciousness. Things like irritability, hunger and pain are all tied to brain function. THC reduces activity in the hippocampus, the part of the brain where memories are formed/stored). It also inhibits the amygdale, the part where the fight or flight instinct is stored/triggered.
If enough THC is added to the hippocampus, it can lead to a build-up of anxiety. Feelings of paranoia often accompany this negative reaction as the brain tries to deal with the elevated levels of cannabinoids. While no deaths have ever been recorded from weed alone, consuming cannabis does lead to reduced activity in certain parts of the brain.
While reducing brain activity is normally a bad thing, trauma and chemical imbalances can lead to hyperactivity in these brain areas. Conditions like PTSD and anxiety are examples where THC is one of the best treatments available. In fact, the VA recently made strides toward incorporating treatments into the framework of our military.
CBD is a totally different beast. It’s non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t affect consciousness directly. Yet it has been shown to have many beneficial properties. Things like swelling, decreased blood flow and seizures are all treatable by CBD.
Besides calming muscle spasms, CBD is able to counteract the psychoactive elements of THC. They have a balancing duality and because of their chemical similarities, it only takes a little acid to transition from THC to CBD and back again. Several companies have successfully synthesized cannabinoids already but it appears that the best effects come from natural plant sources.

How do we use THC and CBD?

Given that our bodies are hard-wired to benefit from cannabinoids, how do we get more? The oldest and most reliable way is to smoke some of the cannabinoid-rich trichomes that cover the cannabis flower. Vaporizing, eating and creating topical creams are also common ways to consume cannabinoids.
Modern extraction techniques exist that can produce almost 100% pure THC from raw plant matter. While this is the most potent/efficient way to consume THC, most commercial products range from 60-80%. Part of the reason lower percentage extracts are more common is the high cost of extremely pure THC or CBD comparatively.
Most people today consume cannabis in the form of food or concentrate to treat a malady or illness. Research has shown THC from smoking weed to be a neural-protector and helps slow/prevent Alzheimer’s. Cannabis can also provide relief to people suffering from neural conditions like Parkinson’s and Cerebral palsy. Patients often find more relief from their tremors, seizures and chronic pain than through other treatments.
Cannabinoids also play a part in the success of traditional cancer treatments like chemo therapy by stimulating appetite, relieving depression and reducing pain. While these benefits may seem minor, the increase in quality of life to these patients is measurable. Over time, the body will adapt to elevated cannabinoid levels so monitoring dosing is important.
Higher concentrations of THC and CBD are often needed for treatment of life threatening illness than can be found in raw cannabis. Over the centuries, this problem has been solved by refining the raw flower into concentrates. Products like BHO, PHO, RSO and CO2 extracts are excellent sources of concentrated THC to modern consumers.
Thanks for reading.

weed grow

Why Hydroponic Systems Grow the Best Weed

What is a Hydronic System?
Hydroponic grow systems are excellent for growing high quality marijuana, but these systems are active grow systems, means that they have working parts and require some effort from those who use hydro systems to grow marijuana.  There are turnkey systems that are a bit more expensive, but that are ready to plant and grow for novices who want to try growing with a hydroponic system.
Technically speaking, any system that doesn’t use actual soil to grow the marijuana in is a hydroponic system. With advances in soilless grow mixes, most of which consist of peat and synthetics, most people who grow marijuana indoors don’t use soil. When most people refer to hydroponic grow systems, however, they are referring to weed growing systems where the pot is grown largely in liquids or water.
Types of Hydroponic Grow Systems
There are a number of different types of hydroponic marijuana grow systems. Let’s examine a few of the more popular and more successful hydroponic weed growing systems in use today:

  • Deep Water Culture (DWC): This is a simple irrigation system that utilizes buckets or containers that are linked together. The marijuana plants are suspended in the containers and water and nutrient rich solutions are then pumped through and irrigated so that the plant gets nutrition and grows. These systems can be small or large, and simple to use or quite complex.
  • Ebb & Flow; Also Called Flood & Drain or Pump & Dump Systems: These are easy to use systems that are most popular with more novice growers as they take less time and care. These systems use tables with compartments called flood tables, and then large amounts of liquids and nutrients are pumped in and quickly drained. Think of the grocery section in a big grocery store when they shower the produce and then quickly drain it, or how landscapers turn a hose full blast on a transplanted plant when exposed to air. That is the principle, overwhelming liquid and nutrients followed by lots of oxygen.
  • Top Feeds: There are several different types of top feed systems, the drip, the spray emitter and the timed flow. As evidenced in the name, unlike most hydroponic systems the top feed feeds the marijuana plant from the top, not from the bottom. The difference is in how this process is accomplished. In the drip the plants are in individual containers and a constant drip is fed through a pump, then it is either drained or recycled. The timed slow is like the drip, the only difference being that the nutrients are delivered at timed intervals. The spray emitter, again like the grocery produce system, sprays at intervals from above, and is an extremely popular system as it delivers the nutrients to the marijuana more evenly, though if not careful over-saturation is a distinct possibility.
  • Nutrient Film Technique (NFT): This is the most complex system and really is only for expert or advanced indoor marijuana growers. In this system the pot plant is again suspended, but the roots must be identified so that they can grow down, usually through a net or mesh, where the pot plant can then be fed nutrients in a thin film in a reservoir. The NFT system can produce excellent weed plants and excellent weed yields, but it is not easy and takes serious care and a skilled and practiced hand.

What You Need to Know About Indoor Growing and Hydroponics
Nutrients matter, aeration matters, the equipment you use and the system you use, all of these things matter. If you skimp on equipment or pumps or aerators, you are likely to yield sub-par marijuana plants and they are likely to yield less weed of any quality.
You can save time and money growing marijuana at home, and indoor hydroponic systems are likely the best way to go, but simply don’t cut corners. Like making a gourmet meal at home, you still need to use the best ingredients, time, care and effort to make the meal taste great. Make sure the plants have ample light, and that your grow lights emit heat, and pay attention to the plant, too much liquid or too much light can ruin a great crop as well. There can always be too much of a good thing, even with the right equipment and the right system!
Video Links:
Hydroponic Grow Guide

Hydroponic Grow Systems For Beginners

weedreader blog

The best types of seeds for growing weed

Seed Types
Now that most of the world has come to grips with the idea that marijuana is not only worthy of being legal, but can even be good for you, many pot smokers are getting into growing their own marijuana plants.  Many marijuana growers are now growing the plants they need for their own use indoors or in their gardens. The seed types that will be examined are good for indoor growth and for growth in various areas.
To grow the best plants you have to understand the basics of growing marijuana. First you have to make sure that it is legal in your city, state, region or country to grow marijuana, and then you can start by learning what types of seeds there are. Just like there is not one type of marijuana strain or bud, there are different types of seeds. For growing purposes, there are 3 important and noteworthy types of seed to pay attention to. We will explore them now.

  • Autoflowering marijuana seeds: Autoflowering cannabis or marijuana seeds flower in short periods of time, often within a few weeks. For this reason, as they provide blooms fairly quickly, the THC content of these plants is not that great or concentrated. Still, they are popular and easy cannabis seeds to grow, especially for beginners. Popular autoflowering cannabis seeds include the AK 47 and the Low rider seed.
  • Feminized marijuana seeds: These types of seeds have been altered genetically in an effort to produce female pot plants. Female pot plants are the only marijuana plants that produce flowers and buds that have enough THC in them to get people high, so these seeds are altered to produce over 90% feminine plants that will grow marijuana that is worth smoking or ingesting. Popular feminized cannabis seed strains include Skunk and Haze strains.
  • Regular marijuana seeds: These are simply any old seeds of any old type, and they can be either male or female, so they can produce worthy marijuana or male plants that are only good for helping to inseminate and fertilize female plants. The problem is, when purchasing these seeds, you can never tell how many male or female seeds you get, and the females are needed to produce flowering marijuana plants with a decent amount of THC.

Best for Certain Climates
There is not a ton of difference between climates and the type of seeds you can grow, except that some types of seeds are more suited to shorter summers, therefore they need less sun and heat to grow as they grow in shorter periods of time. Therefore autoflowering cannabis or marijuana seeds are ideal for areas with short summers or short growing seasons. These seeds grow plants that flower and can be cultivated in as little as a few weeks, so they don’t need long growth periods. Autoflowering cannabis or marijuana seeds are perfect for short harvests and yields. All other types of seeds and plants, while they very in growth periods, require longer summers or more light and warmth. It is important to know this, because if you want to grow plants indoors, your light and heating system has to mimic that of a natural growth environment. The more summer and growth period that a type of seed or marijuana strain requires, the more heat and light they will require.
While there are many growing tips and hormones and fertilizers and food and types of soil that can be used to grow the best marijuana plants, these are the basics when it comes to marijuana or cannabis seeds and how to best grow them. Once you choose your seed type, make sure your provide them with, cultivate or create a growing environment that will contribute to maximum yield and harvest. If you’re using times heat lamps to mimic the sun on feminized plants that require full summers , make sure that they get 8-12 hours of warmth and light a day, but also make sure that they get enough water to stay hydrated and not burn up. The last thing you want to do is ruin a good crop from growing it in the wrong environment or not giving it enough water.
Video Links:
Best Strains

Starting From Seeds
Seed Starter Tips
Featured image: growweedeasy

Best Types of Munchies

Best Types of Munchies

Why We Get The Munchies
The question as to why people get so hungry, and often crave the craziest of combinations of food, can be answered with one word: Cannabinoids! In your body, naturally, cannabinoids exist, but they are known as endocannabinoids. It is the endocannabinoids that help regulate your metabolism, and that tell your stomach and body whether or not it is full or empty. When you are under the influence of marijuana, your body is flooded with cannabinoids and THC, which confuses your stomach and makes you think that you are STARVING, often no matter how much you eat. THC totally confuses the endocannabinoids that regulate your feelings of hunger or fullness.
While someone who is under the influence will eventually develop the feeling that they are full, it takes a lot of food to trigger that feeling. The endocannabinoids are dulled by the THC, so it’s as if they are asleep at the wheel. This allows people to digest large sums of food and still feel hungry, and also explains while someone who is high can eat such rich foods or have such weird cravings, cravings that might seem insane if the person were not under the influence of pot.
Favorite Types of Munchies
While everyone has different tastes and craves different foods, one thing is for certain; people often get and entertain strange cravings when under the influence of weed. It’s an old joke, certainly it has been in many movies and television shows, how people gorge themselves when they are high, and how they eat incredibly odd foods when smoking pot. These weird, strong cravings, and the desire for a LOT of food while you’re at it, are commonly referred to as the munchies.  When you are high and starving and want to dunk strawberry Pop Tarts into a vat of Nutella, you have the munchies.  The munchies are a common affliction, and part of what can make marijuana beneficial, especially for those who have eating disorders or people who can’t hold down food.
Let’s take a look at some favorite munchies, or types of food that feed the hunger!

  • Fast Food: The number one munchie, the fast food grease bomb. Nothing hits the spot like French fries smothered in everything, chili, gravy, cheese, ketchup, you name it. Someone must have been high when they came up with the Canadian Poutine, or French fries smothered in gravy and cheese curds.
  • Peanut Butter and Anything: The famous peanut butter and chocolate combo is a munchie delight, but what about peanut butter and banana sandwiches, peanut butter and raisins, or peanut butter on a hamburger? These are all famous munchie stuffers.


  • Ice Cream and Anything: Much like peanut butter, ice cream is an adaptive stoner’s delight that goes with most anything. Where do you think flavors like cotton candy and moose tracks were invented anyway? Ice cream is sweet and rich and smooth and fills the biggest of munchie cravings, no matter what it’s paired with.
  • Pizza: The fact of the matter is, pizza is good most anytime and with most anything. But certainly someone was high when they decided to try pineapple and ham on a pizza pie. And anchovies? You would have to be smoking marijuana to eat those things right? There are many fine gourmet pizzas as well that fit the bill, from all white pizza to cheeseburger pizzas to pizza deserts!
  • Dagwood Sandwiches:  Ah yes, the old everything on the mile high sandwich trick> All the cheeses and all kinds of condiments and all the dressings and veggies plus as much meat as you can get your hands on. After all, someone has to eat the liverwurst and braunschweiger sooner or later, right?
  • Candy: Last but not least, what person under the influence of marijuana doesn’t get a sweet tooth? A good high makes for great candy munchies, including anything from licorice to chocolate to marshmallow fluff straight from the jar. Certainly whoever invented the Fluffernutter  had a huge case of the munchies.

Video Links:
Weed Munchies:

420 Braising:

Amsterdam Munchies:


diff wr

Sativa, Indica or Hybrid: What's the Difference?

If you’ve ever browsed through the cannabis catalogs of places like Leafly and Canna Seeds, you’ve probably been amazed at the sheer number and variety of cannabis strains out there. If you are new to the game, it can be quite confusing and overwhelming. So let’s start with the basics.
You’ll notice that different strains are described as either sativa, indica or hybrid. But what does that mean, exactly?
Well, cannabis is a genus, or family of plants, which includes 3 different species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis (which grows wild in parts of Russia, contains little THC, and is rarely cultivated for recreational or medical use). So sativa and indica are actually two separate species of pot, which originated in different places, and have their own unique qualities and effects.
Take a look at this awesome infographic which breaks down the difference between the two main branches of the cannabis family tree.

image credit:

I know that’s a lot to take in. To sum it all up:

Cannabis Sativa

  • taller plants and thin, pale leaves
  • higher in THC
  • uplifting, energizing
  • mental or head high
  • stimulates appetite
  • treats depression, ADHD, anorexia

Cannabis Indica

  • shorter plants with thicker, darker leaves
  • higher in CBD
  • calming, relaxing
  • mostly body high
  • suppresses nausea
  • treats chronic pain, anxiety, epilepsy, insomnia


However, after ages of cannabis cultivation, selective breeding and cross pollination, there are very few remaining strains which are purely sativa or indica. Most of the weed on the market today are hybrids, created from both sativa and indica stock, and combining both of their effects in different ways and degrees.
A strain like GDP (Granddaddy Purple), for instance, is a hybrid with mostly indica characteristics. It’s often classified as an indica, but is technically an indica-dominant hybrid. Whereas a strain like Trainwreck is also a hybrid, but it’s extremely sativa-dominant, so it’s characteristics are completely different. While GDP typically leaves you all relaxed and mellow, Trainwreck hits you with a head high that will pick you up and bliss you out.
Then you have strains like White Widow or Blue Dream, which are more balanced hybrids, combining the “couch lock” full body relaxation of an indica with the famous sativa head high and euphoria, in equal measure.


Keep in mind that these are merely general tendencies, NOT absolute truths. There are many factors that determine the qualities of any given strain, and how it will affect you — not the least of which is your own body chemistry. Besides THC and CBD, there are many other cannabinoids and chemical compounds (like terpenes) which influence the scent, taste and effects of different cannabis strains.
Each strain totally unique, and will vary from grower to grower — even batch to batch! And of course, each user is unique as well. Just because a strain affects most users in a certain way, doesn’t guarantee that it will do the same to you. But if you use this information as a guideline, it can help you navigate the dizzying variety of cannabis strains available today.
And if you’re wondering where to start, then go check out our list of the 15 most popular cannabis strains!


Trim Run Vs Nug Run Dabs

Trim Run vs Nug Run Dabs

You may or may not have heard the terms trim run and nug run. If you live in a state with legalized marijuana you may have seen these terms printed on the label of extracts at your local dispensary. The nug run labels should have a higher price than the trim run labels. We’ll go over the differences between the two and how to make sure you’re not paying nug run price for trim run. In some places trim run is less than half the price of nug run so if you’re getting trim you should make sure that you’re paying trim prices.
Nug Run Extracts
Users report better flavor from extracts made with full marijuana nugs. The better flavor combined with the higher cost of using full nugs over trim explains the higher prices. If you’re a regular user of concentrates you’ll be able to tell the difference between trim run and nug run. If you’ve been paying more for nug run you’ll be happy to know it was not just for the hype.
Trim Run Extracts
Trim run extracts are less expensive because some marijuana manufacturers are recycling what would normally be waste. If you were hoping trim run was just as good as nug run without the hype, we may disappoint you. However, when it comes to potency there is not enough evidence to say whether trim run will get you any less high than nug run would.
How To Tell The Difference
Smell it.
You should bring your concentrate really close to your nose and take a big whiff of it. If you don’t smell much of anything you’re probably dealing with extracts that were made from trim. However, if your nose gets smacked by a cloud full of dankness, you’ll know for sure that your oils originated from a nug.
Taste it.
By doing a dab of your concentrate you should be able to guess whether it was made with trim or nugs. Several users report a chlorophyll taste from trim run extracts. Nug run is usually flavorful and smoother on the throat and lungs. This is because nugs are the most trichome and terpene-rich part of the cannabis plant. One user said that trim run gave them a peppery feeling in their mouth and throat. If you can get past this taste, it may be in your best interests to save money and purchase trim run extracts.
In Conclusion
If you’re paying top dollar for nug run extracts, make sure you’re not tasting chlorophyll. Also see if you can smell before you buy, follow your nose. You don’t want to pay sixty dollars for a gram of mislabelled trim. Oil snobs beware of any concentrates that do not smell because they’re likely made with trim. The regulations in some states allow companies to get away with mislabelling so your nug run might just be some false advertising. We hope the information in this guide was enough to help you find the right concentrates for you.

Vacation in states with legal marijuana

Marijuana has been recreationally legalized in four states making it easy for tourists to try out the state’s finest. Tourists with an enthusiasm for weed will now have four states to choose from with several weed-related tourist attractions. From weed-friendly hotels to white water rafting with complimentary weed, there are now many ways to make the best of your 420 vacation.
Here we’ll go over some of the marijuana-related activities that you can only get away with in one of the four states with recreational marijuana.
In Oregon smoking marijuana is legal, but only on private property when permitted. This can be troublesome as a tourist as you may not ever be on private property where you’re allowed to smoke. Not to worry, Weed Country Adventures has got you covered. WCA is a whitewater rafting company that also smokes you up. They get away with this by making stops on private properties to get you legally high. If you’re a fan of both marijuana and whitewater rafting the WCA was literally made for people like you.
Marijuana friendly lodging is easy to come across in Colorado, recreational marijuana is even easier to come across. There are marijuana tour buses with dab rig and e-nail stations on board. Loopr is one of the most popular marijuana party buses in the state:
“Hang out, relax and enjoy the biggest, baddest party bus in Colorado with comfortable seating for 46, a glassware and dab bar, granite countertops on the 4 booths, more than a dozen video monitors for multimedia entertainment and route information, free WiFi, a lavatory and refrigerator, laser light show and more!!”
While in Colorado you can take marijuana cooking classes or get a marijuana-infused massage. Colorado is definitely one of the spots with the most options when it comes to weed and weed-related activities for tourists.
One dope marijuana-related activity you can try in Washington is the Cannabus. The Cannabus is a weed party bus that takes you to grows and dispensaries in Washington. You can also get baked on board! Washington’s main attractions to pot loving tourists would be their recreational shops. Smoking in public is forbidden and there are less shops and weed related events going on in Washington than in Colorado or Oregon. If pot is a main theme in your vacation Washington may be a little too conservative for your tastes. Marijuana is treated like alcohol so you can’t be seen smoking in public or you’ll face consequences. Fortunately, those consequences are only a $27 dollar fine so at least you can smoke without fear of jail time.
The scenery in Alaska is quite a sight for red eyes. Who doesn’t want to see the Northern Lights while high on Northern Lights? Alaskan Thunder Fuck would be another good strain to try on your trip to Alaska. You might even get some for free. The laws in Alaska allow adults to legally gift each other marijuana. So the best way to get some weed while in Alaska is to ask somebody “Hey, can I have some of your weed?” Business’ like bud and breakfasts will straight up give you free weed as an incentive to stay with them over competitors.
image credit: Bigstock

weed tips

5 Ways to Revive Dry Weed

Have you ever come back to your stash to see your juicy nugs have turned into brittle buds 2 steps away from shake? Here’s 5 easy ways to save your bud before it’s too late:
Adds no flavor to your product and adding a piece to your dried material will have it back to moist within 3 hours. Take it out after 3 hours or until your weed reaches the level of moisture you desire.
Orange or lemon peels.
One of the least expensive and most common ways to remoisten your weed is to throw in orange or lemon peels in with your bud. Be sure to take out peel after a couple of hours to avoid mold from growing and spreading to your precious buds. After 2 to 3 hours you should have yourself some moist and potentially better smelling product. Take that dried out sour diesel and turn it into some fresh lemon diesel.
Humidifier stone.
There are stones made with terracotta that can help out with dried buds. These small circular clay stones may only require 1 to 2 drops of water on them before being added to your bag or herbs. The raw hydrostone is meant to be soaked in water for 5 minutes and then added to your dry weed but as with these other methods leaving the stone in for too long will lead to mold. So once you see your material is no longer dry you should remove the stone. Amazon users report getting around 3 uses from each of these stones.
Boveda humidifier packs.
Boveda humidifier packs are a good way to bring your dried weed back to life and utilizing them can prevent your weed from drying in the first place. Boveda packs keep bud moist for about 30 to 60 days depending on which pack you choose.
Zeppelin blimpifier
An inexpensive fix is the Zeppelin blimpifier: a little black plastic oval with tiny holes throughout to hold water. Just take your blimpifier, run it under water for 15 seconds, then throw it in with your bag or jar of herbs and check up on it every hour until your buds are back to normal.
To all together avoid the drying out of your weed you should properly store your weed. Products like the boveda pack work great with storage devices such as the CVault container which comes with 2 Boveda packs and keeps your buds fresh for 2 months or more.
image credit: big stock

Smoking marijuana

How to keep the smell of cannabis smoke to a minimum

Want to enjoy your herb without attracting the attention of any nearby noses? Here we offer ways to reduce your smell output:

Avoid Papers

If discretion is your priority. Papers mean cannabis is constantly ignited, releasing pungent and lingering smells with added carcinogens from your paper or blunt wrap.

Consider purchasing a vaporizer

Vaporizers are one of the best ways to keep the smell from ingesting marijuana down to a minimum. Vapor still carries the scent of the product being vaporized. However, it does not linger like smoke does. If you smoke in your car you may be breathing dank fumes for the next 1-3 days. On the other hand, the lingering of vapor is comparable to a fart. A few minutes with the window down and that gas will pass. For some the effects of a vaporizer don’t provide the desired high and that’s OK. There are still ways to enjoy the actual smoking of the plant while still keeping down the smell.

Buy or make a sploof

A sploof is one of the best ways to reduce the volume of your loud pack. A sploof is a device that smoke is exhaled into, which then absorbs the odors instead of allowing the smoke to spread and be detected by neighbors or landlords. You can purchase one like the Smoke Buddy online or at your local smoke shop. If you don’t have or don’t want to dish our the extra funds there’s plenty of internet guides on how to make your own sploof using household utensils such as a finished toilet paper roll and scented dryer sheets.

Use a bowl or waterpipe

A sploof is best combined with a bowl or bong.The best way to keep the smell down using a bowl or bong is to pack the bowl just enough for you to be able to clear it all in one hit. This is to avoid the trail of smoke rising out of the still lit bowl when you’ve finished inhaling. If you do this correctly the smell of your smoke session should resemble a vape session and the lingering smell can be easily removed. One classic technique to containing the smell is putting a wet towel at the crack on the bottom of a room door in order to prevent dank fumes from escaping. A fan pointing out a window will help get rid of what little scent remains after using the any or all of the above techniques. The best way to get away with smoking is to keep the smell contained to the room you’re smoking in and by not allowing any smoke to linger in it, then airing out with a fan post-session. We hope this guide can help you avoid the drama that the smell of marijuana can bring about.