
Weed Apps Every Stoner Would Love

6 Weed Apps Stoners Can Use

Weed apps are essentials for the average consumer. Looking for a good strain, Leafly is the place to go. To understand usage and dose, Releaf is the next app to use. For those growing marijuana plants, GrowBuddy and weGrow are wonderful apps to keep track of plants progress. Below are 6 popular essential apps that cannabis connoisseurs will love.

One of the most popular apps is Leafly.

Leafly is similar to Yelp, Amazon and Wikipedia. Leafly has a plethora of strain information along with weed related articles. Their strain index covers thousands of different types of cannabis which include name, scent, effects, reviews and dispensaries that carry them. It isn’t as in depth as an index like, but Leafly has a great layout.

An app that keeps track of usage.

Releaf is the app that keeps track of dosages taken, the equipment being used, ailments that are being treated and the dispensaries where cannabis is bought. The graphs and charts are used to keep track of the experiences of being high. They give the user a better idea of what works for them. The idea of Releaf is to help consumers keep track of strains that work best for them.

MassRoots, the Instagram of weed.

An app with weed related images and posts. The app is not just about sharing beautiful marijuana plants though. There are images of exemplary glass works from all over the world. All a person needs to do is create a profile and they can start sharing and liking.

MJ app, designed to bring up to date marijuana news and coverage.

Twitter for stoners, MJ brings users up to the minute news from a variety of topics from around the world. This app is different from MassRoots because it is not an app where people browse and share thousands of images. MJ is strictly a current events news coverage site for cannabis.

GrowBuddy app & weGrow is great for tracking growing progress of weed.

GrowBuddy is an app designed to keep track of the growing process such as methods, progress and any changes or experimentations. The private app, GrowBuddy, is designed to help keep track of growing plants, from one to 3,000. Similar to GrowBuddy is weGrow. WeGrow is an app made for the first-time grower. It also helps keep track of methods and growing notes, but it also provides feedback to help create the perfect nugs. To sign up with weGrow it is necessary to send them an email for access to the weGrow app.

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Growing Smelly Weed and Getting Sued

Growing smelly weed is offensive to vineyard company in McMinnville.

Richard Wagner is growing smelly weed. He is getting sued by the the vineyard developers Harihara and Parvathy Mahesh. He is also being sued by vineyard owners the Momtazy Family LLC. The Mahesh family and Momtazy family claim that weed from Richard’s property is damaging their grape crops and the odor from the farm is offensive. The families are seeking an injunction relief, hoping that Richard will be forced to stop production.

Plaintiffs are claiming that the smell of Richard’s herb is trespassing.

According to Momtazi, one of their customers canceled an order because they were worried that the weed smell would fuse with the wine smell via air, therefore ruining their product. In the past, several lawsuits arose from offensive cannabis smells, but no one has claimed damage to their property because of it. Each side would have to hire scientists and industry experts to help the jury decided if indeed the scent of marijuana would fuse with the neighboring vineyard and thereby damage their product.

Richard is not worried about losing the battle.

The plaintiffs are trying hard to stop Richard from growing. They took extra steps right after filing the lawsuit. They filed a temporary restraining order, but it didn’t go far. Richard hired an amazing lawyer, and squashed that restraining order.
The plaintiff’s attempted to use Richards Instagram posts as evidence against his “bad” nature because he posted comments like “fat dab” and “a most enjoyable odor of sour skunky grapefruit”. Richard’s lawyer’s counterargument was that Instagram posts reflect Richards admiration for marijuana and nothing to do with the plaintiff’s argument. The plaintiffs also attempted to use the fact that Richard had no OLCC card to grow. Richard’s lawyer proved that growing weed is legal in Oregon and currently Richard’s OLCC permit is being reviewed for approval. The court approved of the defendant’s side and denied the plaintiff’s request for the temporary restraining order.
Richard won the first round. After a year of attorney and legal fees that will continue to pile up every month, who will cave first? Some say Richard Wagner will win the war but we will have to say tuned to find out for sure.


A Few Things to Know About Getting High Before a Workout

Getting high before a workout.

Most people are not sure why they are afraid or worried about getting high before a workout. For the last 3 years a certain group of scientists did their own research on the effects of smoking cannabis for a workout. They do suggest that people should consult a doctor before using marijuana before or during a workout. Also, the need to smoke for a workout is not about getting ridiculously high and then working out, that is dangerous.

Know how your body affects your own mind and body.

Weed affects everyone in a different manner. Cannabis has a bidirectional effect, meaning that the same bud can give two people different affects. For example, a weed that is meant to cause relaxation or energy can create that feeling for a normal person but also give the exact opposite reaction to someone with ADHD. We wouldn’t want someone to fall asleep while working out with heavy equipment, or become over stimulated. Working out for too long or too hard can cause injuries.

Smoking before a workout should be done in small doses.

Smoking before a workout should not be for becoming extremely high. Getting too high before a workout tends to cause people to pass out and crash. Dr. Chin says take smaller hits, get to lightly high and stick with it.

Noobs should think twice before smoking and exercising.

One of the researchers, Dr. Sulak, says for those who have never smoked before, they should try cannabis for a week without the workout. This is to get used to the THC reaction and develop the ability to judge the right amount to use during a workout. Start small and work your way up, “It’s better to err on the side of caution and not feel anything, than take to much,” fellow researcher McAlpine says.

Why smoke if you can’t get too high?

Marijuana helps a person deal with the pains of exercise, allowing for more reps or go that extra mile on the run. Cannabis affects the endocannabinoid system and these receptors respond to pain. Unique markers in the every persons system changes how they react to stimuli. That is how people can push through the pain a little further during a hard workout. This does not mean that people should try and force themselves to work out when the body is legitimately hurting and begging for rest.

Which is better; oils, extracts, CBD’s?

Experts say that smoking the whole bud is better. An herb with both THC and CBD is best. THC helps exercisers get into focus faster and not get too anxious when working out. CBD helps people recover faster from a hard workout because CBD acts as an anti-inflammatory.

marij disney

Marijuana Banned at The Happiest Place on Earth

Marijuana Banned from Disneyland and Disneyworld!         

Anyone caught bringing marijuana into the park or found smoking it on premises will end up in Disney Jail! Marijuana banned from Disneyland and Disneyworld indefinitely. According to High Times, Walt Disney World has forbidden Cannabis of all types from their parks in California and Florida.
Coincidently, marijuana just became legal in California and Florida. Despite the current legal state regulations Walt Disney World has continued their strict prohibition on alcohol and marijuana. Social perceptions have evolved over the years and Disney has kept an iron-grip on its ‘child friendly’ reputation.

What Else is Banned in Disney Worlds?

Cannabis and alcohol are not the only things banned in both resorts. Selfie sticks, drones and of course weapons of any kind are absolutely banned from both parks. Walt Disney World will continue to ban these items because their parks are attempting to cater to a broad family friendly environment.
Some religious schools, churches and other organizations that are not known to be progressive would stop attending both theme parks if they allowed the banned items. This makes up a majority of their sales. The Walt Disney corporation would lose millions of dollars if over half of their customers stopped attending.

Does Anyone Sneak-a-Toke?

Why yes, plenty of people attempt to sneak-a-toke. The wait time for several rides are hours long, and eating cannabis is easier to quickly ingest and get away with than smoking a joint. Others have reported taking a quick vape hit because it’s harder to spot who just took a hit or where the scent is coming from. So yes, there are lots of people who are sneaking bits and hits here and there.
Many people will still take a risk and consume cannabis somehow because they have legitimate ailments and cannot wait till the end of the day to consume marijuana in some form or another. In the end, ailments don’t just go away because it is an inconvenient moment to have them. People who use cannabis as a medicine simply won’t get to experience Disney magic unless they keep it under wraps.


Cannabinoids Slow Down Brain Aging

How Do Cannabinoids Keeps the Brain from Slowing Down?

A German study found that brains of older mice benefited from cannabinoids. The main chemical tested is known as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol). The gains were incredibly significant because the minds of older mice were on par with the minds of other younger mice who were abstained from cannabis.
THC was tested on several mice from different ages for two months. The tests were all repeated daily. The tests included navigating through a water maze and recognizing familiar objects. Younger mice on THC struggled to accomplish their tasks, but the older mice showed better brain performance.

How Do Older Mice Benefit from THC?

The biochemical pathway of older mice grows less active over time, but science has shown that THC causes their brain’s biochemical pathways to grow more active. The results are astonishing because a low dose of THC was all that was needed to engage these biochemical pathways.
The mice did not seem to experience the effects normally associated with consuming THC though. The older mice on small amounts of THC could accomplish their tasks as well or better than younger mice who were THC free. This has big implications to how we approach human testing in the future.

What Are University Scientists Hoping to Accomplish with Their Findings?

Researchers from the Hebrew University and the University of Bonn plan on starting human trials by the end of the year. Human testing will be similar to the mouse studies and explore the ramifications of various levels of use. Basically, humans of varying ages will be tested with familiar tasks on a daily basis to see if they get worse at them.
This is just the first phase of testing. The hope is that the older human brain can be regenerated by at least five years to a decade without the use or need of extra invasive care. We are still a long way from receiving cannabis treatments for things like Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia but this is an important step in the right direction.

Top 10 Common Dabbing Mistakes

We have all made some dabbing mistakes when getting started.

Some of us learned from our dabbing mistakes while others remain ignorant of the finer points of canna culture. Regardless of where you fit along the spectrum of cannabis intelligence, you are sure to have experienced at least one of these common mistakes. These are in no particular order as each person will struggle with different parts (mine is overheating) more than others.
There are also more ways to counter these problems than I have time to list but I encourage you to share any tips or tricks with other readers in the comment section below.  We are all here to learn after all. So without further ado, here is my list of the top 10 dabbing mistakes and how to avoid them.

Overheating the NailBig Dab Rig

The normal way to heat a dab rig is with a torch. The goal is to heat the nail up enough that the concentrate vaporizes without combusting. Many dabbers don’t wait for the nail to cool slightly before taking their hit. These dabbing mistakes cause the concentrate to combust instead of vaporizing.
Combusted concentrate is significantly more harsh, lacks key terpenes and produces a lower quality high. Since terpenes act synergistically with THC and CBD to produce more powerful effects, burning them up robs people of the very experience they are trying to get. Glass should be a dull red, titanium and ceramic nails should be their natural color before dabbing


It’s OK to heat the nail until it turns red hot. It can burn off waste from the last hit and creates a uniformly hot surface. Just wait for it to cool before taking a dab. The amount of time to wait depends on the thickness of the material but it is good to wait until just before the nail returns to its normal color.
Titanium and ceramic nails change color at a higher temperature so require longer heating times. Ceramic has the highest “red hot” temperature, followed by titanium, then crystal and finally glass. Titanium ends up retaining the most heat so it takes the longest to cool while glass is the worst heat conductor and cools quickly.

Grabbing the NailHot Dab Nail

Dabbing is a fairly new way to consume cannabis. Most people start by smoking flower through a glass pipe or bong. Bong users especially fall prey to rookie dabbing mistakes. When they are ready to clear the bong, they try to remove the nail in the same way the bowl is pulled in a normal bong.
It normally takes only a moment for people to realize their mistake. As they try to remove the bowl, their nervous system registers that their fingers are literally melting and they reflexively drop the scorching hot nail. If their reflexes are fast, it drops back in place. If not, pray it doesn’t shatter on impact with the ground.


Don’t let people hold the rig. If the dab rig rests on a table or counter and doesn’t have to be held to hit. Having hands away from the rig can also give someone the moment they need to realize how hot that thing is and avoid touching it even if they start to reach for it.
Now, this is not always possible with exceptionally small pieces. If at all possible, don’t start a new dabber off with a small dab rig. Pain is a great teacher though so some people only need to grab the nail once and they will never forget why that is a bad idea.

Overloading the BowlOverloaded Bowl

Concentrates have to be heated to several hundred degrees before they vaporize. As product comes into contact with the nail, the two are at different temperatures. As they remain in contact with each other, their temperatures begin to equalize. The more concentrate that comes into contact with the glass, the faster it cools.
Adding more concentrate than the nail has heat to vaporize results in thin smoke and wasted material. Do this for long enough and the nail will become coated in a black resin-like substance. This residue catches on fire, produces foul smoke and can cause the piece to retain heat (which leads to spontaneous breaking).


Make sure to use the right amount of product and heat. Thicker nails retain their heat longer than thin walled nail so the best bet is excess heat. Use a torch to heat the nail until it no longer smokes.
Electronic nails get buildup as well so periodically torching or otherwise cleaning the nail is part of a dab rigs regular maintenance. Use an old toothbrush and a rubbing alcohol/salt solution to clean the caked on residue without much risk of breaking the nail.

Missing the Bowlmissed bowl

This happens to new and veteran dabbers alike. They go to take a dab and the concentrate falls to the side of the nail or on the dome. This happens most when people hold their dab over the nail before taking their hit. They forget that heat rises so the 6 or so inches above a heated nail will melt concentrate and cause it to drip.
The bigger and less viscous the dab, the more likely it is to miss the intended target. If you have ever tried to drop something from a high place on a specific target, you know that the further away you are, the harder it is to hit. Crumble and saps tend to be difficult to put where wanted so contribute to this problem more than wax or shatters.


Hold your dab over a container or to the side of the dab rig. Remember that the closer the dab is to the nail, the faster it is going to melt. Move the dab to the nail quickly but stay under control. Approaching the  nail from above at a 45 degree angle will give the most time and control over the quickly melting concentrate.
About one inch from the nail, most concentrate loses cohesion. What was wax or shatter becomes a liquid in about half a second so don’t delay when getting close. There is a lot of technique involved in getting exceptionally long or large dabs to hit properly. Finding the proper balance of speed, distance and heat is tricky but can be done.

Dropping the Dab Down the Center

This is a problem that comes from the overall style of domeless nails. You basically have a doughnut of glass with a hole in the center. Some people end up putting the concentrate into the center hole instead of in the glass cup. This results in the concentrate completely bypassing the heating element and dropping directly into the water.


When dabbing, make sure the concentrate falls into the cup side of the glass. The center hole is to allow the vapor to be sucked through the piece, not the actual concentrate. If the dab doesn’t drop on and stay on a hot part of the nail it simply won’t vaporize.

Missing the Rig

dropped dabs
This is another hand eye coordination problem, just the next step up. These dabbing mistakes happen most with products like crumble and shatter. Instead of the dab dropping next to the nail, this is when the dab misses the whole rig.
Trying to drop a piece on a heated nail will often result in missing the whole piece. Since crumble and shatter are stable enough to handle, it is tempting to just use your hands. The rub comes when those tender digits get close to a heated surface and you are forced to ‘toss’ it the last of the way because it basically takes vector calculus to get it right.
There is a reason that vector calculus is one of the last lessons in math too. Because getting multiple things moving just right is REALLY difficult, especially with weights in the milligrams.


Get a good dab tool. Having the right tools will go a long way to prevent dabbing mistakes from being an issue. Many come with a pointed end and a scoop end. Using the scoop for crumble and shatter makes getting the concentrate in the right place a synch. Silicone dab tools also prevent things from sticking to the tool while being relatively cheap.

Oversized Hitsdabbing mistakes

Hitting a dab is not like hitting a pipe or joint. It is closer to a bong but is still on a different level. People new to dabbing have a hard time judging how big a given hit will be and often get wrecked as they take their first few hits. Most of the time it is hilarious to watch people make dabbing mistakes like this.
But it can be a scary experience to get so high. There are hundreds of people that end up in emergency rooms each year from getting too high. If people don’t become somewhat catatonic, they often begin to freak out and panic.


Start off slow when getting into dabs. With flower, the average concentration of THC /CBD (according to lab testing) lies around 15-25%. Concentrates rarely drop below 60% THC/CBD but can get as high as 99.9%.  That is a pretty big difference so always check the potency before taking a hit when possible.
Also, be sure to take small dabs to start. Taking a normal sized dab (about half the size of a pea) is the equivalent of smoking about 2-3 bowls of flower. A ‘dose’ of THC is commonly seen as between 3 and 5 milligrams.

ChokingHazy Daze

Our lungs are miracles of nature and finely tuned to process oxygen. When they register something other than oxygen, your lungs are designed to help get it out. Cannabis vapor is so much denser and hotter than normal air so when the lungs believe there is more smoke than air, they do their job and make you cough.
Stoners of all experience levels make dabbing mistakes and sometimes explode into bouts of uncontrollable heaving. It can last for only a moment or for several minutes. The denser and bigger the hit, the longer it takes to recover. There is a point on the inhale where the lungs decide enough is enough and with enough practice, anyone can find thier limit.


Try taking a slower hit. Instead of sucking as hard as possible, take slow hits. This allows you to feel as your lungs approach their maximum capacity. You will feel your lungs begin to buck before they go full heave. With enough practice you should be able to get close to coughing without actually triggering the reflex.
In addition to breath control, practice deep breathing. Stretching your lungs when breathing normal air is a good way to strengthen them. It also helps your body process oxygen better and improves circulation, both key elements of processing THC and CBD.

PukingReady to puke

Sometimes a cough is so powerful that it causes you to spew chunks. Other times, attempting to burp up a hit can cause the gag reflex to go off. This dabbing mistake is similar to the choking issue where the body is trying to expel something it thinks is bad.
People with an overactive gag reflex may find themselves experiencing this regularly when taking big hits. They start to cough, and suddenly it becomes more. That is because coughing is tied to the gag reflex and a host of other respiratory systems.


Try not to burp. It sounds counter intuitive but part of burping is swallowing. When smoke is swallowed, it causes irritation to the throat and other soft tissues. The body reacts to this irritation by trying to expel it through reflexive action. Not swallowing the smoke will drastically reduce the chance of puking.

Dropping the Piece

Whenever someone experiences one or more of the previous nine mistakes, bad things happen. Muscle spasms (like coughing and puking) can make limbs tense and smack glass into furniture. Grabbing the nail also causes reflexive motion that can lead to broken pieces.
Even people with the best intentions and a perfect tract record are not immune to dropping the piece. Get someone coughing hard enough that they start to puke and the piece gets forgotten. The most common way to drop a piece is when passing it to another person.
It takes careful coordination to pass a bong to another person. Misjudge how heavy it is or how tight a hold the other person has and the sound of shattering glass is sure to follow. When you are coughing up a lung and trying not to puke on everyone, it gets a lot harder to judge whether or not you should let go.


The first step to prevent dropping the piece is to reduce interactions. There is a lot going on when dabbing. You have the rig, the tool, the torch and the concentrate all in your hands at once. Look for ways to keep things organizes and clear like having a special tray specifically for setting up and taking dabs. Minimizing the number of times you have to change hands or switch angles will save time, effort and reduce chance of making dabbing mistakes.
Additionally, make sure the area is glass friendly. Put down carpets/rugs, remove hard surfaces and that you store your piece where it won’t be bumped. Build a cocoon of softness around your piece and then even if it does get dropped it will survive.

Well, that’s the end of the list.

What did you think? Have you made any of these dabbing mistakes? Let us know how you avoid these mistakes or other ones you have made. I love getting to hear your stories  and getting to know our community. Thanks for reading.


Vapes and the Hot Science Behind Them

What is Vaping?

Vaporizing  or “vaping” has become one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis in recent years. Where old-school cannabis consumers would smoke plant matter, designers and engineers decided to vaporize the cannabis instead of burn it. The devices they created are referred to as vapes. These vapes come in a variety of shapes, power and styles and are one of the most commonly sold items in dispensaries across the nation. While there are stationary vaporizers, most of the industry is dedicated to portable devices.
One reason that portable vapes have become so common is because they are often much more discreet than smoking. Instead of creating a skunky, thick smoke that hangs in the air and clings to your body, vaporizers create an aerosol-like cloud that dissipates quickly and doesn’t linger.
Vaping is perfect for discreet or mobile cannabis consumption. For those who need to get high and then go back to dinner with grandma or at a concert, a vaporizer is the method of choice. The popularity of commercial nicotine-based vapes or “e-cigs” makes identifying a stoner in a group of vapers almost impossible.

What Kind of Vaporizers are out there?

When most people think of an electronic cigarette, they think of regular old, retro e-cigs. You buy them at a gas station, and (Vuze and Blu are two popular brands) they are made by tobacco companies. This part of the market is dominated by tobacco companies like Imperial Tobacco and RJ Reynolds. The cartridges in these vapes come pre-filled and are disposable.
In an actual vape shop, you’ll find products commonly referred to as APVs—Advanced Personal Vaporizers or “Vape Pens” and “Vape Mods”. APVs are produced predominantly by companies based in China like Innokin. They contain electronics to regulate the power level, produce a moderate amount of vapor, and are generally under $100. Mods are for use with user-rebuildable atomizers, can potentially produce tons of vapor, and can be expensive.
Both Vape Pens and Mods function on battery power. The industry has embraced advances in tech like USB-Rechargable batteries. Mods tend to have larger batteries than Pens because they need to push out a lot more enery. While a Vape Pen may last an average user 2-5 days, a Mod with the same size battery might only last 1-2 days.
Rel Vapes

Are Vapes easy to use?

Even though using a USB-rechargeable vaporizer seems infinitely easier than loading a bowl or rolling a joint, they come with their own challenges. This is especially true in the case of flower vaporizers. Loading the tiny chamber can be a headache, as can cleaning out the vaporized plant waste with anything but a specialized tool.
Cleaning comes more often in vaporizers than traditional smoking bowls as well. This is due to the dominance of exceptionally small chambers. The small chamber is due to the high amount of energy needed to vaporize plant matter (more on that later). Also, portable vaporizers eventually run out of battery, leaving you not-so-high and dry if you forget to plug it in and don’t have a USB port available.
Vaporization does have the advantage of not actually burning the plant material, which gives a clean taste, bereft of the woody finish you get when smoking. While some users prefer this nuanced flavor, many heavy cannabis users like the increased potency and cleanliness of vaping.


What’s in the cartridges?

Vaping is commonly seen as safer alternative to smoking. Vape cartridge or “e-liquid” begins with a vegetable glycerin base. Most manufacturers use certified organic VG. While the glycerin doesn’t carry flavor very well, it does produce a lot of vapor. Then comes is propylene glycol. propylene glycol—or PG—is a main ingredient in albuterol, or asthma inhalers, and is perfectly safe to inhale when vaporized.
Commonly mistaken as being a main ingredient in antifreeze (diethylene glycol) which has actually been found in mass market e-cig products, PG is thinner than VG, and carries flavor very well. The final ingredient is flavorings. These are commonly suspended in PG and are food-grade. Flavorings can be natural or artificial, and cannabis based vape cartridges usually include terpenes.
The final ingredients are the active ingredients. They contain pharmaceutical-grade nicotine or cannabinoids like THC and CBD. All manufacturers make products in varying strengths. Cannabis based cartridges are required to display concentration and overall volume of active ingredients.
Dab Rig

What is the best way to vape?

“Anything that lights the plant on fire creates respiratory irritants,” explains Dr. Mitch Earleywine, a professor and researcher at the State University of New York at Albany. When users are trying to consume cannabis in the safest way possible, there are a few things to understand about what happens to the cannabis when it’s heated. Namely, you’ll need to understand the difference between conductive and convective heating.
Conductive Heating
Vaporizers and other tools that use conduction to make cannabis smoke or vaporize typically use flower or concentrate applied directly to a hot plate. The heat changes the raw thc into a useable form and literally boils it. When dabbing, the “hot plate” is an ultra-hot metal nail that is heated to extremely high temperatures using a blowtorch.
Convective Heating
Rather than heating the cannabis matter directly with a heating plate, convective vaporizers use an electronic mechanism to heat air. Once the air reaches a certain temperature, it is forced over the plant matter/concentrate. The hot air actually heats the cannabis product, extracting the THC and turning it into a vapor without burning the substance.
Of the two types, convective vaporization is believed to be the best for your body. The convective method avoids the charring associated with nearly every other method, meaning that convective heat creates the purest form of activated, consumable cannabis vapor.

Vape Pen Cartridge

Is the high different?

Proper vaporization releases most essential oils in the plant while it stays below the point of combustion. These essential oils contain the majority of the cannabinoids and terpenes which give cannabis its effects. In essence, vaporization gives you all the good stuff and very little of the bad.
Truth On Pot explains, “a collaborative study conducted by California NORML and MAPS found that vaporizers could convert 46 percent of available THC into vapor, whereas the average marijuana joint converted less than 25 percent of THC. Likewise, patients ranked vaporizers as the most efficient method of marijuana intake — requiring a lower dose than smoking, edibles, and tea — in a recent study published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.”
Here’s a handy chart from NowSourcing that breaks down why that is even further:
Vaping Infographic


Light and How Cannabis Consumes It

In the eons before dinosaurs, plants dined on light.

During the early formation of our planet, there was no oxygen to breath, only water and light. This paradise of water and photons gave rise to the first plants. Not like the orchids and redwoods we are accustomed to today, early plants were mostly algae in the early oceans. These early plants developed a way to transform light into food.
By using sunlight to convert light energy into chemical energy, plants were able to store it for later use. Although photosynthesis is performed differently by different species, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called reaction centers that contain green chlorophyll pigments.
In plants like cannabis, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, which are most abundant in leaf cells. In the light-dependent reactions, one molecule of the pigment chlorophyll absorbs one photon and loses one electron. This electron is passed to a modified form of chlorophyll called pheophytin and the process propels a chain reaction of life.
cannabis lights

Plants can use light from across the visible spectrum for photosynthesis.

Yet some wavelengths of light are more useful to a plant than others. Wavelengths that the plant uses a lot of get absorbed into its leaves and stem while wavelengths they don’t use get reflected back. We only see plants as green because they don’t use green light energy. They reflect the one color they don’t photosynthesize so we perceive them as green.
Because of how plants evolved their ability to photosynthesize, different wavelengths are needed in greater amounts at certain stages of a plant’s growth, such as the blue and red. Light high in the blue range enhances vegetative growth, while red light strongly influences flowering and fruiting.
What we perceive as visible light is comprised of seven main colors. All the odd colors we see like pinks, browns, and beiges are just mixtures of other colors. Our eyes can only register wavelengths of light are within the 400 to 700nm range. Below 400nm, we move towards ultra violet, x-ray and finally gamma rays. Above 700nm is infra red, then microwave and finally radio waves.

Let’s start with some measurements.

Nanometres (nm) are a measurement of light waves. Each degree in Kelvin (°K) rates the ‘temperature’ of a light and offers an indication to the peak nanometers (nm) or color within the spectrum. The lower the nm, the more blue the light appears while higher numbers look red.
Marijuana uses light from approximately 420nm through to 750nm. But what does that mean? To understand the unique diet of cannabis (and make those real yield gains) we need to create the ideal environment for the plants.
Giving them just any light simply won’t do if the goal is heavy crops (and who doesn’t want that?). Normal incandescent bulbs produce more high energy wavelengths like infra red (heat) and midrange light (550-650nm) than anything else. Anyone who has tried to grow a plant in a room lit only by incandescent bulbs can attest to their poor performance so avoid trying to grow with them.

Even light in the right wavelength may not have the right amount of lumens.

Cannabis need light from the right part of the spectrum with the right amount of intensity to encourage proper yet fast growth. Marijuana evolved to grow under sunlight which changes intensity over the seasons. Young weed plants can be easily burned if put under the same intensity of light as a mature ones.
For this reason, many cultivators use different lighting techniques for the different stages of plant growth. Fluorescent lights produce the right wavelengths for growth but lack the intensity of other lighting options making them the standard for use with seedlings and young clones. HPS (High Pressure Sodium) and MH(Metal Halide) are industry standard lighting options that are used during vegetative and flowering stages although LED (Light Emitting Diode) are quickly establishing themselves as premium lights in the market.
HPS light

There are a few different types of light.

HPS lights offer light from approximately 540 through to 700 nm, typically yellow, amber and red light so they are great for flowering/budding marijuana. These lights tend to burn hot and need to be ventilated as well as hung from a decent distance from the plants. This makes having a tall area to grow in a priority. Luckily, the light produced by HPS lights penetrates deeply into thick canopies which is perfect for the flowering stage when buds and leaves are competing for room.
MH lights offer light from approximately 350 to 550 nm in the blue, green to yellow range.  However exact levels depend on what lamp your purchase as some lamps are ‘cooler’ and others a bit ‘warmer’ than average. MH lights are good for the vegetative stage but not as much for the flowering/bud stage.

Lighting is going high tech.

LED grow lights can have a mix of LED diodes in a single ballast or specialized ones. This gives cultivators one more variable to work with but it also opens up a whole world of adjustment. With the increased lifespan of diodes over bulbs, reduced energy consumption and lower heat production, it is easy to see why cultivators are switching to LED.
While LEDs are far more efficient then HPS or MH lights (with almost 30% savings reported on average) they come with a significantly higher initial price tag. Small projects and weekend cultivators may not want to shell out the cash needed to obtain a quality growing LED but commercial outfits normally opt to go with the reduced energy consumption and quickly make back the difference in initial price.
LEDs also have the benefit of not needing specialized heat venting as they produce almost no heat.  While HPS and MH lights require ducting, fans and additional controllers, LED lights don’t need any of that while providing a dynamic mix of color temperatures. The best LEDs are full spectrum and use some blues, some reds and a very stable white to create broad (full) spectrum LED grow light. These are the new breed of grow light and cover the full light range from around 420 through 750 nm.


Super Cropping: Why It's the Best Ever

What is Super Cropping exactly?

Super cropping (also supercropping) is the name for a High-Stress Training (HST) technique where the plant is stressed by slightly hurting it in a strategic way. Super cropping is basically just a coined word for growing a bush-like plant by crushing its stems instead of cutting them off. This technique can be performed on virtually every cannabis plant (excluding autos) and can actually be done multiple times during the vegetative process.
Super cropping is most effective with 600 watt lights or bigger because they allow good light penetration. If growing a bush style plant from clones, it’s important to top the plant right after the clone roots. Doing so will provide a strong base where the extra branches start low on the trunk.
Cannabis plants become stronger after recovering from trauma. Things like bent or crushed stems can become even larger and stronger than undamaged stems. If the main cola (flower) of a cannabis plant is removed, the plant will put energy into growing the remaining colas. Each super crop basically  doubles the number of potential colas on a plant.

What Does Super Cropping Do?

After super cropping the plant will grow bushier, produce more buds, and possibly even produce more THC! This is how the plant naturally responses to danger and protects itself. Growers take advantage of this technique to get bigger yields and more potent buds than would be produced otherwise.
If the goal is to harvest the biggest and the best buds, you should actively stress the plant in a way that will result in an increase in the production of cannabinoids. If the aim is to get a better harvest, “super cropping” is by far the best method of stressing your marijuana before harvesting.
Of the 483 known compounds in Cannabis, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis and produced in the plants trichomes. The second major component is CBD. It is also considered to have a wider scope of medical applications than THC because of study results in treating epilepsy, anxiety disorders, nausea etc. Both are produced in greater amounts by plants that have been properly super cropped.
Super Cropping Bud

How do we ‘stress’ the marijuana plant?

Super cropping works along with Low Stress Training, or LST. LST is the simple process of training your cannabis plant to grow laterally. This is usually done by tying down the branches of the plant to stop it from growing vertically. Light is one of the most important factors contributing to the growth of a plant so when it comes to cannabis, light dictates when a plant produces its flowers and how well those individual buds develop.
The main idea of super-cropping is to get marijuana to expose as many branches as possible to direct light and induce the plant to produce more leaves, buds and flowers. To apply the method, a certain amount of stress must be applied to your plant.
By exerting gentle pressure firm enough to slightly damage the tissues, a grower can intensely escalate marijuana yields. Because of the special stress response that takes place within the plant, the risk of infection or splitting is also minimized.

The technique is really simple.

Choose the most suitable branches you want to super crop. Start by doing only a few branches at a time, you will make sure that the plant reacts well to the stress technique. Remember that the goal is to stress the plant, not kill it.
After selecting the spot, gently hold the branch between the thumbs and forefingers of your hand and while gently exerting firm pressure, soften the inner tissues and carefully roll the branch between your fingers until stem feels limp in that spot.
A severely damaged branch may be beyond natural repair, especially if the branch is visibly split. Applying grafting tape or Duct tape will help to strengthen the damaged branch during the healing process.

Super Cropping takes advantage of natural processes.

When it’s time for a plant to flower, the size of the buds it produces is largely dependent on light exposure. The more light (in the right wavelengths) a certain part of the plant canopy gets, the stronger and bigger it is likely to be. That’s why the crown of a plant usually has denser, bigger flowers than the bottom.
Super cropping allows you to manipulate a plant and its canopy for maximum exposure. By ensuring the entire canopy gets evenly exposed to light, growers encourage it to build big, dense buds. This is true even in areas normally be covered by foliage.
For its own survival, the plants growth mechanism will cause it to ‘set’ the break and keep the limb in place after it is done healing. Arranging super cropped tops horizontally creates an environment for increased bud production as colas that would have been under the main cola are exposed to direct light.

Super crop at the right time.

Be really careful because this method is designed to induce the plant to throw out a greater number of colas and new leaves. Being too aggressive can have seriously negative results.  Following the logic of nature, this method works because the plant is deceived into believing that it is under attack by some force and therefore it will compensate.
In the process of healing, the branch will grow a protective nodule to strengthen the damaged area. This ensures that transpiration of essential nutrients and water are not restricted. Growing the nodule is a key step of maintaining the overall health of the plant.
Since this technique requires time for the plant to heal, the best time to super crop is in the plants’ vegetative or growing stage. During the second or third week of growth will likely be most effective time. How will you know? When the plant produces vigorous new branches but has not yet fully started the flowering stage, it’s time.
By super cropping, cultivators enjoy shorter and more controlled plants that produces a great number of branches and buds. Even though the plant needs more time to recover, proper super cropping does not retard the growth of the plant like pruning of the tops or picking leaves to induce growth.

Investing in the Cannabis Industry 2017

Investing in the Cannabis Industry 2017

Marijuana stock investing in 2016 has seen a meteoric rise.

Investing in cannabis is making some major money with one especially impressive company posting gains of well over 2,000%.  This despite how fraught with risk this industry is. Since marijuana is still classified as a Schedule I substance with “no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse,” according to the federal government, there are still some hurdles to overcome.
The National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse issued a series of reports concluding that marijuana was “less a serious threat to public health than a sensitive social issue and recommended changes to federal law that would permit citizens to possess a small amount of it at a time, while still maintaining that the drug should not be legalized.” Yet investing remains risky because the people in power refuse to be moved to action.

Is $50 billion motivation enough?

Investing 101Ackrell Capital projects that the cannabinoid-based pharmaceutical market could clear $50 billion annually. Investors took special not of the prediction due to the explosive growth the industry has seen so far. They make sure to include plenty of caveats in their report that basically boil down to legalization=money.
AbbVie (ABBV) is ahead of the game in medicinal marijuana field because its drug (Marinol) is already been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and in the market. Marinol is mainly used to relieve nausea and vomiting for chemotherapy patients. It has also been prescribed for AIDS patients to help stimulate appetite.
If you want to talk about AbbVie, let me just say that it has had 44 years of consecutive dividend increases. Over the past three years alone, the dividend has grown by 12.5%. the 4.13% dividend yield is considered attractive for income investors.
Just because they were first to the market doesn’t make them invincible though. Company revenues, gross profit and net income have been stagnant during the last four quarters. If Marinol can raise profits, AbbVie and others like it could be treated as an income play rather than a growth stocks for 2017.

There are currently 28 states willing to sell.

Support for use of medical marijuana is rapidly expanding along with investing opportunities. After the November U.S. elections, 28 states plus the District of Columbia now have legalized use of medical marijuana. A handful of states have also chosen to allow recreational use.
Legalization should diminish some of the institutional barriers for companies investing in the marijuana industry. Although we can see how slow the movement is by looking at recent court decisions about drug testing. The advancement of legalization on a state level presents a special opportunity for investors but at great risk.
Weed’s mis-classification as a schedule-I compound creates restrictions for patients in non-weed-friendly states. Not to mention how much of a damper it puts on investors’ plans. The chief regulator of Wall Street (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority or FINRA) blocked a S-1 filing from weed companies attempting to go public and trade stock. The ban will remain in place until the drug is re-scheduled.

There are only 3 approved options on the market.

While opportunities exist, current realities paint a stark picture. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a whopping total of three cannabinoid drugs. It took seemingly forever for another cannabinoid to join Marinol and Cesamet in the medicine cabinet.
In July of 2016, the FDA gave the go ahead for Insys Therapeutics’ (NASDAQ:INSY) Syndros to join the party. Like Marinol, the active ingredient of Syndros is the synthetic cannabinoid dronabinol. And don’t think that only drug companies are trying to get in on the action.
Investors sent shares of Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. up 48 percent last year when they saw the lawn-care company as a relatively safe way to capitalize on the cannabis trend. It sells fertilizers, lighting and other supplies for hydroponics that are used by most indoor cultivators.

One person can tip the scales.

A very important fact for investors considering investing in marijuana to remember is who the next attorney general is. And the person who got the nomination to fill that role was Alabama Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions. A man who is an adamant opponent of legalized marijuana.
In a Senate hearing last April, Sessions cited a 20% increase in the traffic deaths in some states where marijuana has been legalized to show the drug is a problem. His continued vigorous attempts to demonize cannabis users signals major disappointment for those hoping for banking reform.
Marijuana companies have continued to struggle with limited access to basic banking services since most banks fear federal prosecution for dealing with pot businesses. Being forced to operate on a cash-only basis is a security concern and an expansion inhibitor for any business. With Sessions taking the helm, there is little hope for meaningful pressure to improve access to banking services. Additionally, marijuana businesses must pay tax on their gross profits instead of net profits. This is because they’re disallowed normal corporate income tax deductions.

How should you approach the industry?

Investing in cannabis weed
It has been said that getting rich during a gold rush is to easiest when you sell shovels. With that in mind, the best figure for investors trying to turn a profit from the “marijuana rush” are the companies that have zero marijuana-related products. The smartest play might be in companies that have the potential to benefit by serving people and companies that do sell cannabis.
But before you invest in any company, get as much information about that company as you possibly can. Find out if they are a legitimate company with a good management team. Look into who’s running the company and at the company’s finances. Don’t be afraid to go over the balance sheet, the cash flow, the income statement, and the shareholder’s equity.
Look at all of the info you can before making a decision. Call the nearby Chambers of Commerce, find out if they know the people or company. Don’t forget to look at the other officers and management to make sure the engine is firing on all cylinders if you catch my drift. Do all the research you can but don’t forget to talk to your financial advisor as well before pulling the trigger.
The early bird doesn’t always get the worm.

Companies are making serious efforts to develop effective medicines using on cannabis. These companies deserve all due diligence before investing in any of them. Understand that investing in potential is risky and any of the drugs discussed in this article could fail or disappoint. Some medicinal marijuana stocks will undoubtedly succeed in 2017, so research and be vigilant when navigating this exploding industry. But don’t forget all the good that cannabis can do.
Cannabinoids have been found to have potential in treating over 40 medical issues including cancer, chronic pain, epilepsy, and glaucoma. Companies developing marijuana-related compounds rarely focus on cannabis alone. Be aware that some “mainstream” stocks may actually profit from loosened restrictions on marijuana even if they don’t grow or sell it themselves. Thanks for reading.