
Getting to Know: Bongs and Baungs

Bongs have been around for a while.

The common name for water pipes is bongs. The term actually comes from the Thai word “Baung”. The baung is a traditional cylindrical smoking tube made of wood or bamboo. During the Vietnam War era; American soldiers discovered the “Baung”.
Upon returning from the war, the water pipe concept migrated back to the US with the soldiers. Because the sounds were difficult for Americans to form (Baung is pronounced bah-owng), the word was simplified to “bong”. One of the earliest known uses of the word bong dates to the January 1971 issue of the Marijuana Review.
Once in the states, bongs became very popular. Users realized that the bong offered a few key advantages over the methods they had employed to this point. Bongs provided a smoother and less harsh hit than joints or hand pipes. Using water to filter the smoke also made bongs much more efficient at filtering particulate as well.

Bongs basically allow smoke to cool before entering the lungs.bongs

There are a few reasons to want cooler smoke when using cannabis. First, it allows for denser smoke. Since weed smoke becomes denser the colder it gets, you can get more THC into your lungs (which have a set volume) with cool smoke than with hot.
Hot hits of smoke can cause unnecessary discomfort, coughing, and even damage to the lungs at the most extreme temperatures. Bongs offer a much more reliable way to cool smoke to a tolerable level than other methods which is a big part of their allure.

Water pipes with percolators offer a smoother, cooler smoke session.

clean beaker bong
Bongs and their percolators work based around the concept of diffusion or spreading out. First, they pre-mix the smoke with a large volume of air before it hits the lungs. A butane lighter can burn at close to 3500 degrees so cooling the smoke is a must. The more air that gets mixed in, the cooler the smoke gets until it reaches equilibrium so bigger bongs cool smoke more.
Second, bongs use water to filter the smoke. Water is able to absorb a lot more heat than air of the same volume. This reduces the overall size a bong needs to be in order to provide a good smoking experience. Water is also great at catching large particulates like ash, kief and burning plant matter.

The shape matters as much as the size.Honey Pot Bong

The size and shape of a bong directly affects the overall experience. The shape affects the drag or total resistance level while inhaling. Bongs with narrow sections or tall columns of water simply take more energy to hit. The overall pressure needed to hit a piece is dictated by the narrowest part and the depth of the water used.
Large chambers increase the overall volume of smoke that must be drawn through the device. While large chambers reduce the pressure needed to move that smoke, they add to the overall volume of air. Strong lungs may still find it difficult to clear a bong that is larger than the volume of air they can hold.
Be careful not to get a piece with a wide bottom and narrow top though. Cones naturally keep the smoke at the bottom (wide end) of the chamber. Clearing the smoke from these pieces can be almost impossible. The result is stale smoke being trapped inside the bong and tainting every other hit.

Bongs fall into three basic types.

The Straight Pipe:Scientific Glass Bong

This is classic style of bong. Straight-tube bongs are so popular among smokers that they have been used to represent the culture as a whole. The function and “feel” of the classic bong is a nostalgic experience for many. the straight pipe allows for one or more chambers for percolation and a multitude of percolation styles. You can most likely find one (or more) of these classic upright bongs in the stash of every connoisseur.

The Angled Pipe:recycler bong

Angled water pipes are a more modern bong design that is rising in popularity as artists get more creative. Instead of putting your mouth to the bong, this style is normally drawn to the user. This gives the angled bong experience more of a “casual” feeling than using an upright bong.
Some find that angled glass bubblers offer a more comfortable smoking experience.  This style is more likely to have decorative elements or flashy percolators in addition to being smaller than straight tubes. The overall size tends to be smaller than straight pipes as well as they take up a significant more space in kilns.

The Custom Pipe:elephant bong

As innovation and the limitless creativity of glass artists emerge, they take the form of elegant, complex and beautiful glass pipes. Heady glass dominates this side of glass water pipes. These are the intricate $200-$20,000 pieces in the glass cases at head shops across the country. They can take the form of anything the artist can think up and is a catch-all for pieces that don’t fit into the above categories. If you’re after a truly one-of-a-kind piece, then finding a non-traditional bong is definitely the place to start. This is where glass artists can unleash their creativity.

Percs offer diversity within a type.Honeycomb perk

Not all water pipes have a percolator beyond the stem that sits in the water. Water pipes that do have percolators offer a smoother, cooler smoke session than their perc-less counterparts. Percolators are based around the concept of diffusion or spreading something out more widely.
Percolators (shortened to Percs) use water to spread out smoke. There are a ton of ways to do this with some being more visual (like creating visible vortexes inside the chamber) while others are less so (diffusion beads in the water) but they all work off of increasing the surface area of the smoke.

The best bong is one that fits your needs.Designer bong

At the end of the day, there is no objectively “best bong”. While larger sizes allow for more cooling, they also require significantly more lung power to use. Similarly, multiple percs can improve the overall flavor of a hit but increase the amount of pressure needed to pull that air through the bong.
Finding the right balance between form and function can be difficult and requires a bit of trial and error. Buying bongs can get downright expensive so trying out a friends piece before buying one yourself is always recommended.
Did you learn anything new or maybe find something that needs corrected? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. We would love to hear what you have to say. As always, thanks for reading.


Governor of Vermont Veto's Pot Bill

Just when Vermont was about to make history, the governor stepped in.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott, a Republican, is vetoing a bill to legalize marijuana. His reasoning may be odd but at least he isn’t fundamentally opposed to legalized weed. But he is sending the bill back to the legislature for changes.
“We must get this right,” Scott said at a press conference. He then said something that makes people familiar with climate deniers and religious zealots groan.”I think we need to move a little bit slower.” He was quick to clarify that is views cannabis “through a libertarian lens” so isn’t trying to prevent legalization in principal.
Scott claimed that his actions are due to concerns about detecting and penalizing impaired drivers. He also cited protecting children, and the role and makeup of a Marijuana Regulatory Commission as areas he felt the bill didn’t do well enough.

When the door closes, look for a window.

“I recognize there is a clear societal shift in that direction.” The governor said. He plans to send recommended changes to the Democratic-majority legislature. If they address his concerns, the governor claims “there is a path forward on this issue.” One point that the governor wants defined is “how impaired is too impaired,” according to the governor’s communications director.
He also wants the legislation to define what devices might be effective at detecting people high on marijuana. But police “do not yet have reliable roadside toxicology tests that can say for sure if someone’s too high to drive in the way a breathalyzer or blood test can show if someone’s too drunk.”
Despite recreational use being illegal up till now, the Vermont Department of Health found that the state has among the “highest prevalence of marijuana use” in the country. The Vermont DOH also claims the state has the most users across all age groups, and the second highest of all states among those age 12 to 25.

Vermont was almost 9th and 1st.

If the bill hadn’t been vetoed, Vermont would have become the 9th state to legalize recreational marijuana. But it would have been the first to have done so via a legislative body. Everyone else has used a public referendum. In November, California, Maine, Massachusetts, and Nevada voters legalized recreational pot.
Vermont joints Arizona voters as the only states to have rejected it. But the Green Mountain State looks to be a lot closer to getting adjusted legislation passed. Partly because of the cooperation of the state house and senate on this issue so far. While it was difficult to come to a compromise before, the governors demands seem to be road bumps instead of roadblocks.
According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 19 states have pending legislation to legalize marijuana for adults. And more than half of states allow medical use of marijuana. Hope is not lost for Vermont though. With a few tweaks, the legislation may be able to make it back to the governor’s desk. Only this time, let’s hope he actually signs it.

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Nevada's Early Start for Recreational Weed Sales in Trouble

Nevada liquor wholesale distributors challenged marijuana licenses.

Nevada’s Department of Taxation expected the first recreational sales to begin July 1st, but alcohol distributors wanted to put a stop to that. A group of liquor wholesale distributors filed a temporary restraining order that prohibits Nevada’s Department of Taxation from distributing marijuana licenses.
Carson City District Judge James Wilson ruled in favor of the liquor wholesalers and granted the temporary restraining order. “The statute clearly gives a priority and exclusive license to alcohol distributors. In order to promote the goal of regulating marijuana similar to alcohol.” Wilson wrote in an opinion paper.

All hope is not completely lost.

The Nevada Department of Taxation still expects the July 1st sales of recreational marijuana to proceed. But they are not clear as to how the process will play out due to the judge’s ruling.

Why did the liquor wholesale distributors go through all the trouble?

The liquor wholesalers argued that they have first rights to distribute recreational marijuana. They also claim that medical dispensaries could not apply for recreational licensing because there wasn’t enough interest among liquor wholesalers. The wholesalers also claimed that the November ballot gave liquor wholesalers exclusive rights to marijuana distribution licenses for the first 18 months of sales. The ballot measure states that marijuana should be regulated in a manner that is similar to alcohol.

Are liquor wholesalers worried they can’t compete with the M.J. market?

Sam McMullen stated, “We just want our rightful place. We don’t want to slow this down inordinately.” McMullen is the attorney for the liquor wholesalers. He fought hard so that the Nevada Tax Department can only distribute marijuana licenses to liquor wholesalers. According to Judge Wilson, the liquor wholesalers demonstrated irreparable harm if the department proceeds to issue cannabis distribution licenses to existing marijuana establishments.
Stephanie Klapstein is a spokeswoman for the Nevada Tax Department. She said that, “We are still looking toward a July 1st launch of the program.” Klapstein also stated, “We expect a hearing on the matter to be scheduled for some time in the next couple of weeks.”

Why the big rush?

On January 1, 2017 recreational sale of marijuana became legal in Nevada. And on Jan. 1, 2018, the Nevada law requires permanent regulations for the sale of recreational weed to be in place. But the Nevada Legislator is expected to give final approval for the “quick start” program to allow existing dispensaries to sell recreation weed before that. The reason for the big early push is because the expected tax revenue from pot sales is expected to total $70 million over two years. That is a lot of money and alcohol wholesalers want exclusive rights to it.


420 Celebrations Hit the Mainstream

What are 420 celebrations to you?

The number 420 itself has come to represent a lot to the cannabis community. Twice every day, stoners remark “Happy 4:20” to each other. or otherwise having 420 celebrations. But why do they do that? Ask a smoker and the response can range from  a simple “I dunno” to a lengthy explanation of college hippies, police codes and secret meetings in the 60’s.
The number has become so embedded in popular stoner culture that every April, cannabis users from all walks of life view April 20th as an actual holiday. They request time off, book events, invite friends, and otherwise celebrate like any other holiday. Except this one the main goal is to get high, like really, really high.

420 is bigger than the cannabis community.cannabis science and education

Even people who don’t consume marijuana associate 420 with cannabis culture. Many bosses know why their employees suddenly ‘get sick’ and call in to work in the mid April. Word of mouth and social media has made 420 celebrations truly global. It can be almost impossible for someone to get out of work for the holiday without getting called out as a pot head.

420 has become a celebration of consumption.

Friends gather together and smoke as many bowls as seems fitting. Just like Superbowl parties, Halloween jamborees and 4th of July celebrations, 420 has a social focus. Even people who don’t hang out make the effort to see each other for the holiday. The popularity of 420 celebrations with consumers has been embraced by retailers.
Even Snoop Dogg performs special concerts for the holiday. Rappers aren’t the only ones getting in on the sales. The best business day for any dispensary is April 20th and almost all have specials. The deals can range from a single strain on discount to a full line of pre-rolls for $4.20 with music, food and all sorts of games.

What is 420 really about?420 roundtable

Unlike most religious holidays, the meaning behind the numbers are multiple. 420 is a police code, a secret meeting time and a code word all wrapped up in one. As stoners repeat these stories, they work to add a sense of mystery and intrigue to the holiday. The multiple origin legends boost off of each other, creating a mystery behind the ‘true origin’ that wouldn’t otherwise exist.
Instead of sharing a single origin story (like with Christmas or Easter), people engage in flowing conversations about the origins that shift and evolve as they go. This is partly due to the short attention span stoners are known for. But it’s also because there is always someone new entering the conversation who has heard different parts of the story.

Prohibition has been big for the 420 community.420 celebrations

America has a pretty bad track record when it comes to respecting stoners. In states like California (where recreational sales were recently legalized), getting caught with some weed could get you behind bars. The controversial ‘three strikes’ policy made life sentencing a real threat. Yet the threat of prison didn’t stop people from smoking, it just made them hide it.
When people have to fear incarceration for celebrating, it tends to make them less inclined to make a big deal about smoking weed. Yet even in the early 200’s when Operation Pipe Dreams was big news, people still held 420 celebrations, concerts and all sorts of gatherings.

420 Reform has actually helped kids.Weed Crafts

As more and more states pass marijuana reform, people have taken notice how much better the communities have been. 31 states provided less state funding per student in 2014 than in 2008, and in at least 15 states, the cuts to school funding exceeded 10 percent. Yet schools in states like Washington and Oregon (among others) have had millions of dollars added to their budgets from weed taxes.
Also, with less parents going to jail, there are less children going into state agencies like foster care. This frees up a lot of time and energy for social workers to focus on the ones that need them. And since the parents aren’t in jail, they can keep on working and paying their taxes instead of becoming a drain on the state.

Some cities are taking a better approach to 420 celebrations.Smoking and Toking

Some towns engage with their stoner populations better than others which can morph the conversation. In cities like Denver, Seattle or Portland, there are all sorts of events. These cities embrace the revenue that stoners provide and work to allow safe consumption. Stoners flock to these areas when on vacation or looking to relocate which provides a very real economic boost.
In Denver recently, the city partnered with law enforcement, Mothers Against Drink Driving, dispensaries and Uber to provide a safe way for people to get around during 420 celebrations. Instead of driving intoxicated, riders were offered a $4.20 discount on fares. The effort was a resounding success and steps are underway to make similar arrangements in the future.

420 isn’t going anywhere.Buying a bong

In small towns and cities where cannabis is less loved, consumers still host extravagant parties or simply get together and smoke out every day. 420 became a cultural phenomenon long before legalization so people have had a long time to think of ways to celebrate without drawing much attention. Even if the federal government (read Jeff Sessions) cracks down on states and starts a new crusade, the community will find a way.
It wasn’t too long ago that hikes, spring festivals and camping were the only places stoners could openly consume. If need be, we can always go back to that. But for now, we get Snoop Dogg concerts and great deals on legal weed.
Remember to consume responsibly and let us know how you enjoyed the 420 holiday. Thanks for reading and Happy 420!

medical canna

5 Things You Should Know When Getting Medical Cannabis in 2017

As California prepares for the upcoming wave of dispensaries and shops set to provide legalized recreational cannabis; many people are still confused about medical marijuana, how to get it and how it might help them. Here are 5 things you should know about medical cannabis and getting your hands on it in 2017 …
1. Is a Medical Marijuana Card Still Necessary?

A medical marijuana card is still necessary until January 2018, when legalised recreational cannabis kicks in. Getting yourself a medical marijuana card will save you money both now and in the future (no sales tax on medical marijuana as well as dispensary deals), give you access to more dispensaries and a greater range of products, and give you the opportunity to grow cannabis. Yes, it costs to get a MMJ card and recommendation letter, but it’ll likely save you lots of money in the long-term.
Moreover, getting a medical marijuana card is easier than ever, especially with telehealth (and yes, I am available over telehealth – we are HIPAA compliant, totally private and extremely secure). All you need to do is:

  • Sign up at (or any other reputable site)
  • Fill out the medical marijuana evaluation form, attaching any relevant medical records you may already have proving your condition/s.
  • Talk to the doctor, which in this case will be myself, Dr. Frank D’Ambrosio.
  • If you qualify, you will be given a signed recommendation letter.
  • This recommendation letter can be emailed to you, so you can start using your recommendation letter straight away.
  • A medical marijuana card can be sent to you via post – not necessary, but highly recommended, and many dispensaries prefer you to have one.

2. Finding the Right Dispensary
Once you have your cannabis card and recommendation letter, it’s now a matter of going to the right dispensary. As everyone prefers a different environment, I recommend reading the dispensary’s reviews online, asking others if you know of anyone who frequents medical marijuana dispensaries and exploring them for yourself.
The range of dispensaries out there and what they provide is immense. However, they should all still provide a decent service. Do they grow good, trustworthy cannabis in well-tended environments? Do they have knowledgeable consultants, budtenders and owners who have studied their products and can tell you about them? Do they have have social and educational classes? An onsite doctor? All of these will usually show you how seriously a dispensary takes their job.
3. Finding the Right Strain
Much of the same advice that’s been given above on finding the right dispensary can be given about finding the right strain – i.e. ask others, read reviews and give several a try. Start slowly, though, and only take a little bit at a time. First-timers (and even some seasoned pros!) may want to avoid edibles – vaporizers are usually much easier to titrate with.
Asking “sativa, indica or hybrid?” will give you a rough idea, but can be misleading on occasion. Should you be looking for a particular effect, you’ll want to look at a specific cannabinoid and terpenoid profile – the genetics will tell you more about this than the strain names. The budtender/consultant at whatever dispensary you go to ought to be able to help and know their products inside-out, but remember that different phenotypes of the same plant may have different cannabinoid and terpenoid profiles.
Also remember that “everyone’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) is different”. This means that what may work for one person may not work for you and vice-versa, even for the same condition. Sure, there may be some common effects for some people, but not everyone. Remember, though: codeine doesn’t work for everyone, yet it’s still wrongly considered a “gold standard” of cough suppression. You can overdose on codeine; you cannot do so with cannabis, except in a theoretical sense.
4. Can’t Get to a Dispensary?
You can now get cannabis delivered to your door, securely, relatively quickly and discreetly. What a world we live in!
5. The Government Owns the Patent to CBD …
… Everytime you walk into a dispensary, read about someone getting arrested for cannabis use and/or see a sick person denied a medicine that could help save their lives, remember one thing: the US government owns the patent to CBD, but still considers it a Schedule I drug federally. In fact, all of the cannabinoids from cannabis are listed as a Schedule I drug, regardless of psychoactive effect. Make of that what you will …
Perhaps one last thing you should know is that you shouldn’t be afraid to use cannabis. Cannabis will not kill you, will not make you a mess and will probably not ruin your life – in fact, it many cases, it might just well improve it! Just listen to the hundreds of thousands if not millions of medical marijuana patients saying the same thing.


First Amendment Lawsuit Filed Against NM EXPO

EXPO New Mexico restricts access to info.

A state-licensed medical marijuana producer is suing EXPO New Mexico officials. The suit claims restrictions on what the company was allowed to display in an informational booth violated free speech laws. Mainly by preventing them from reasonably disseminating their info.
New Mexico Top Organics-Ultra Health explained why they filed the complaint this week in U.S. District Court. They claimed that the rules set forth by the EXPO officials are so strict the company couldn’t even display its logo. The logo features a stylized image of a marijuana leaf, but not displaying it would negate the benefits of presenting.
Last summer, Ultra Health ran into trouble with the EXPO as well. They were given permission to place a small marijuana plant at a booth on the fairgrounds. Ultra Health President Duke Rodriguez said that despite following all the rules,  about seven hours after the plant went on display, fair officials ordered its removal. The officials demanded the removal citing complaints from “higher up.”

But that wasn’t the end of it.EXPO Banned Substance

The state Department of Health later contacted Ultra Health. They said that displaying the plant violated rules governing the nonprofit’s license to grow medical cannabis. Because of the violation, the producer was sanctioned by having to close all seven of their locations for five days.
The sanction couldn’t have come at a worse time either. April 20, the biggest cannabis consuming holiday of the year fell right in the middle of the penalty. Rodriguez estimated that closing his dispensaries around the state for five days would cost the company more than $150,000.
The insane fees and penalties prompted Ultra Health to sue the department in state District Court. They contended the sanction was excessive, not supported by law and would actively hurt patients. In April, Ultra Health learned that the penalties would be held off until a judge could hear the case.

This may be the first Lawsuit, but it won’t be the last.

NM State Fair
This lawsuit is just an example of the tension between marijuana advocates and government officials. Ultra Health is part of a movement sweeping the nation and won’t let the personal prejudices of a few people get in the way of progress. And they won’t roll over to let members of a legal, regulated industry be subjected to unfair treatment.
In an effort to clarify what was and what was not allowed this year, Ultra Health asked EXPO officials for details. The e-mail reply from Riana Bingham, the Director of Concessions stated “You may not bring onto the EXPO New Mexico campus any and all cannabis and cannabis derived products including CDB products.” CDB stands for cannabidiol, a compound that does not make feel high but does provide medicinal benefits.
“Moreover, you may not bring any type of drug paraphernalia that could be used to plant, propagate, cultivate, grow, harvest, manufacture, compound, convert, produce, process, prepare, test, analyze, pack, repack, store, contain, conceal, inject, ingest, inhale or otherwise introduce into the human body any type of cannabis or other controlled substance,” Bingham continued in the e-mail.

Ultra Health wasn’t having it.

The lawsuit says the restrictions presented above effectively ban them from participation. These rules prohibit Ultra Health from displaying a microscope, a scale, a shovel, or even a cardboard box, as those items could be used in the cultivation or storage of cannabis.
The suit claims that the next line in Bingham’s email goes even further in restricting the producer’s First Amendment rights. It states, “You are also precluded from displaying any image of the above restricted items in any way to include banners, flyers clothing or any other medium,”
Under those rules, booths can’t show even a drawing of a cannabis plant. Ultra Health claims the rules prevent retailers from displaying even “a T-shirt of Bob Marley holding a cannabis product.” When asked if the rules intended to prohibit such images, Expo Spokesman Erin Thompson said it was “hard to say” but that officials have the authority to do so and have in the past.
The company decided not to attend the upcoming state fair. Ultra Health asked the federal court to declare that the fair officials actions illegal. Ultra Health claims EXPO officials treated them “As if Ultra Health is engaged in criminal activity, instead of medical activity regulated by the State.” The company also requested the court to confirm Ultra Health’s right “to educate and inform the public … without being subjected to content and viewpoint discrimination.”
Featured image: via Flickr CC


New Zealand Finally Legalizes CBD

A new day is dawning.

New Zealand is finally joining the cannabis liberation movement. Proposals to amend the Food Standards Code go as far back as 2002 and have had little success until now. Australian and New Zealand state and federal health ministers have bucked that trend by finally allowing hemp to be sold as a food.
The Australian and New Zealand Ministerial Forum on Food Regulation approved the sale of hemp as food in April. But according to the Australian  industry publication Grain Central, they also imposed strict guidelines around the products’ marketing and labeling.
The newly released guidelines ban any references to the presence of CBD in the product. This is to prevent any brands linking the products to illicit cannabis or suggest that the products have psychoactive or therapeutic effects. Even though they don’t want anyone associating food with weed, the government is aware of the benefits of hemp.

Hemp is good for pretty much everyone.

Hemp food are popular because they contain high levels of protein. A tablespoon of hemp seed can contain almost double the protein found in eggs. Not just any protein either, cannabis has near-perfect ratios of Omega 3 and Omega 6.
New South Wales Minister for Primary Industries Niall Blair was excited for “Australians to reap the benefits” of both hemp food  (which is legally sold in 21 nations) and an expanding hemp industry. “Low THC hemp is legally already grown in NSW under strict licensing conditions and it is a hardy and sustainable crop that has enormous potential for both domestic and export markets,” Blair  claimed in the report.
“The standard will take effect six months after it has been gazetted and ministers acknowledged that there is still a range of New Zealand and State and Territory legislation that currently prohibits the sale of low-THC hemp seeds as a food which will need to be amended,” the health ministers wrote at the Forum of Food Regulation on Friday.

New Zealand hemp cultivators are working to be ready for the changes. New Zealand CBD

Australia legalized industrial hemp production nationwide in 2008 but not as a food. Opening the food market increases the demands on production as well. One key for domestic production to keep up with demand is developing drought resistant hemp. Specifically varieties that can then be grown locally and exported legally.
But CBD providers have to be careful about how they market their products. THC, cannabis and marijuana are all words that can get a product pulled from the shelves. Special steps are necessary to ensure compliance with advertising regulations.
It’s understood that labels on hemp foods cannot even allude to psychoactive effects or use the words “cannabis” and “marijuana”. But producers who can work around this might get their products to hit shelves as soon as November.
The big difference between cannabis/marijuana and industrial hemp is the THC levels. Hemp has about 0.03 per cent THC, while marijuana can contain up to 30 per cent THC. This makes it so smoking a whole field of hemp physically can’t get you high. So while cannabis remains restricted, Australia and New Zealand both get to look forward to a new dawn for CBD and hemp.

weed le

Top 10 Influential People Who Support Legalizing Weed

Some people are simply more influential than others. Influential people hold a special place in society where their opinion matters. These people are the most outspoken and influential supporters of legalizing cannabis. Without personalities and platforms like the people on this list have, we might never he seen a state legalize marijuana.

1. Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders is the Vermont Senator and former presidential candidate. He introduced a bill in 2015 that would have ended the federal prohibition of marijuana. Sadly, his pleas fell on deaf ears but Bernie continues to fight for the common people.

2. Morgan Freeman

Mr. Freeman played in several leading roles and in countless movies. From Hoke Coleburn in Driving Miss Daisy to God in Bruce Almighty, he has played them all. He supports the legalization of marijuana because it helps him relieve the pain of fibromyalgia. He has also seen and understands how marijuana helps save children who struggle with severe seizures.

3. The Dalai Lama

Possibly one of the most positive influential people on the planet is The Dalai Lama. He is the Tibetan Buddhist Leader who doesn’t encourage the use of drugs or alcohol. But he does support medical marijuana because science has suggested it is helpful.

4. Snoop Dogg

The famous rapper Snoop Dogg is a potrepeneur. He not only smokes weed every day, but he also partnered with Canadian medical marijuana retailer Canopy Growth. Snoop is going to sell at least 3 different cannabis products with Canopy Growth under the name of “Leafs by Snoop”. The hope is that Canada will legalize weed soon, allowing Snoop and Canopy Growth to maximize revenue.

5. Woody Harrelson

This famous actor is on the advisory board for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML). In 2016, Woody tried to open a medical marijuana dispensary in Hawaii. Unfortunately, his request was denied. But that hasn’t stopped him from trying to change the way government views and regulates weed.

6. Joe Rogan

The host of Fear Factor has been a staunch weed advocate for several decades. Joe is also a successful MMA fighter and political advocate. There is even a strain bearing his name and it’s popular wherever available. Many celebrities wouldn’t even know what marijuana is without the ceaseless activism Joe seems to simply exude.

7. Bill Maher

Famous comedian and Real Time talk show host Bill Maher is an avid supporter of legalized marijuana. He has even smoked weed live on air. Maher is also on the advisory board of NORML, and claims to smoke weed while writing new comedic material.

8. Canada’ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

The Prime Minister of Canada is pushing hard for the full legalization of recreational marijuana in Canada. He made a promise to legalize weed while he was in office. He believes that recreational weed could generate C$5 billion to C$7 billion in annual revenue.

9. Ricky Williams, a former NFL Pro running back.

Ricky Williams is truly a great potrepranuer. He believes that marijuana should not be a part of the random drug tests that athletes must endure. He partnered with Weedmaps; a company that helps medical marijuana patients find dispensaries. Williams is also a part of the 420 games, a marathon 4.20 miles long in San Francisco. And he co-founded a cannabis friendly gym called Power Plant Fitness and Wellness.

10. Jack Nicholson.

Jack Nicholson is generally a private man when it comes to publicly talking about weed. However, he was quite candid when talking to the U.K.’s Daily Mail. Nicholson came at weed from a different perspective. From an economic standpoint, he claimed 85% of men who are incarcerated in the U.S. are from drug-related offenses. It’s costing tax payers $40,000 a year for each prisoner according to his sources. To Nicholson, that is ludicrous.


The Best Holistic Pot Party on the West Coast

The full Immersion pot party.

The full Immersion is a relaxing California pot party. It all started with 3 women: Katie Partlow of Little Face Events, Anya Matusevich and Sasha Perelman of Higher Beauty. Their focus is to provide guests with cannabis specific events that highlights the 5 human senses.
Some of Immersion’s events include blindfolding guests during dinner time, dipping into sound baths and inhaling essential oils. “I went to a few other cannabis events before, where it’s just really loud music, or the main activity is a bong-ripping contest. It feels awkward.”

Immersion vs. The Fyre Festival.

Immersion is something different, it’s a special event because its more than just a lame pot party. The Fyre Festival was a type of pot party that felt cheesy. The guests were promised a DJ, but instead they got to listen to someone’s MP3 playlist. The hosts of the Fyre Festival handed out free joints, but the large amounts of fruit flies ruined the session. Guests couldn’t leave the event when they wanted to because congestion blocked traffic.
Immersion is a cannabis party that is better organized and provides a clean and comfortable setting for guests. Immersion is a party where they serve weed. They provide activities where people dance, socialize, watch a simple sports game in the sun, etc. There is no random loud music and crowds of strangers running into each other.

Immersion is the next level of classy pot parties.

The Immersion crew wanted to create an experience that is not otherwise possible at a bar. Like having dinner blindfolded. It may seem strange but clients say the experience is enlightening. All private conversations cease once 75 people have blindfolds on. Blindfolding guests just for dinner time creates a comfortably intimate atmosphere.
The atmosphere at Immersion wasn’t about having tables filled with only popular strains of weed. “When people focus too much on the weed brands it feels off. People ask almost like, is this a trade show? I don’t like too heavy branding at all,” Partlow said. Smoking weed can ruin the normal flow of conversation, so the hosts of Immersion try to limit the amount of conversations during weed-themed events.

Partlow has experience hosting cannabis themed parties.

Partlow is not a novice when it comes to throwing a classy pot party. Partlow hosted an event in 2016 called Comedy, Cake & Cannabis. Inside there was an exhibit of frosting and fondant-twisted art. All while Los Angeles comics, Kate Berlant and Brandon Wardell, where making guest laugh hysterically.
Other parties Partlow hosted have similar themes, like the CannaMiss Marquez party. At that event burlesque dancers where wearing weed shaped green feathers. The dancers stripped down to tasseled green pasties while smoking a joint. Partlow said, “I want to do something at the next level, just getting people up and moving and not just sitting and high. You can stay home for that, you know?”