MEDS Act Sponsored By Senator Hatch

MEDS Act Sponsored by Senator Hatch

Senator Hatch Introduces the MEDS Act.

The Marijuana Effectiveness Drug Study Act (MEDS Act) was just sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch from Utah. If you have ever been to Utah, you might know that it is a highly religious state. The Mormon temples are proudly displayed and most stores are closed on Sunday. So it comes as no surprise that Senator Hatch is a dedicated Mormon.
But the Senator isn’t a blind follower. He sees the damage that opioid addiction causes and the good that cannabis can do. Especially as the U.S. grapples with spikes in teen overdose deaths rates. And the opioid crisis is causing a significant drop in U.S. labor force participation—particularly among American men. And Senator Hatch wants to stop it.
But the problem is bigger than just one state. The entire nation seems under the oppressive whip of opioid addiction. If you aren’t struggling with opioids, chances are you know someone who is. And most of them got hooked by their doctors.
Trump even declared the opioid crisis a national emergency and seeks solutions that will appease his base and his face. But Trump has yet to put forth a comprehensive sentence, much less a policy directing the nation on how to handle cannabis. And Hatch is much more pragmatic about his approach to dealing with this sensitive and rampant issue.

Senator Hatch has a plan for how to fight the opioid crisis.

Youtube Bong
As part of his plan to combat the opioid epidemic, Hatch introduced the Marijuana Effectiveness Drug Study Act of 2017 (MEDS Act). The speech he gave during the introduction Wednesday, he couldn’t help but sneak in some weed puns.
He started his speech by saying “Mr. President, it’s high time to address research into medical marijuana. Our country has experimented with a variety of state solutions without properly delving into the weeds on the effectiveness, safety, dosing, administration, and quality of medical marijuana.”
Hatch wore his religion on his sleeve but showed his willingness to compromise when he said “it will surprise no one that I am strongly against the use of recreational marijuana. I worry, however, that in our zeal to enforce the law, we too often blind ourselves to the medicinal benefits of natural substances like cannabis.”

He feels cannabis is a powerful ally in the fight.

Senator Hatch sees red tape as the big problem with cannabis today. He explained that there are no federal quality controls for marijuana-based medications. The MEDS Act would remedy that and establish standards for growing medicinal marijuana.
Bureaucratic red tape surrounding safety and efficacy prevent the kind of “rigorous scientific evidence” Hatch feels is still needed. He understands that there are many unique and powerful compounds in the cannabis plant. And the MEDS Act is his attempt at stimulating research into the potential of cannabis.
Like most of us, it took Senator Hatch a personal encounter to come around to cannabis. When a friend was faced with the choice between using weed and getting a risky brain operation, Hatch realized how important research into cannabis is.

Hatch isn’t a hippy.

He was quick to clarify that he wasn’t going to be advocating recreational consumption though. His very next words were “While I certainly do not support the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, the evidence shows that cannabis possesses medicinal properties that can truly change people’s lives for the better. And I believe, Mr. President, that we would be remiss if we threw out the baby with the bathwater.”
Senator Hatch wants to encourage research into potential medical uses for marijuana. The plan involves streamlining the research registration process. The goal is to make marijuana more available to the scientific and medical research communities.

The MEDS Act will make an impact if it passes.

marijuana grow
Ideally, the bill will sail through both houses, get signed into law and become a new foundational piece of legislation moving forward. But that seems like a pipe dream. There is plenty of cannabis reform legislation making the rounds right now and none of it has much support.
More likely, it will suffer the same fate as the other pro-cannabis legislation making the rounds in congress. Bills like the Compassionate Care Act and the Research Expansion and Respect States (CARERS) Act couldn’t find the support they needed to move forward.
These bills are stuck in a state of limbo, dead on the floor and unable to pass on. Mainly because there isn’t enough support to pass them or even to get them to a vote. This effectively makes them zombie legislation with little hope of actually passing.

Senator Hatch wants to do things right.

Smoke Sessions
The MEDS Act encourages commercial production of FDA-approved drugs derived from marijuana. It would also put pressure on the Attorney General (AG) to increase the national marijuana quota in a timely manner. It would do this by requiring the AG meet the nations changing medical, scientific and industrial needs for marijuana.
The bill would also include certain protections against abuse as well. The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) would then have to develop and publish recommendations and best practices. These would include how to grow and produce marijuana for research.
But there is still a long road ahead. Even if the bill gets passed, there will be many edits, re-writes and last minute additions. Political opponents will try to dismantle the important protections and stall it out like past bills. It’s hard to tell how far this one will go. But we can at least hope it goes all the way.

What do you think about Senator Hatch and the MEDS Act? Do you think it will become law? Let us know why or why not in the comments below.

Is Legalization Really Responsible for More Car Crashes

Is Legalization to Blame for the Increasing Number of Car Related Fatalities?

opioid treatment

Colorado State and Federal data shows a rise in the number of drivers involved in fatal crashes who tested positive for marijuana.The overall number has doubled since marijuana legalization in 2013. The Denver Post recently launched an in-depth investigation into this issue. They are (among other things) reading coroner’s reports to determine if Colorado’s roads have become unsafe since legalization. In Front Range counties, more drivers involved in fatal car accidents are testing positive for marijuana than before 2013.

Part of what people fear is negligent drivers behind the wheel. In 2016, nearly a dozen drivers tested positive for THC with almost five times the legal amount in their systems. In 2016, a report from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) Fatality Analysis Reporting System showed some surprising information about drivers.

It’s just plain difficult to accurately test cannabis intoxication.drivers

Drivers who survived car crashes were regularly drug tested within a few hours of the incident. This type of information is trying to show how recently drivers consumed cannabis.The problem they run into is that cannabis metabolizes slowly.

Although the high wears off after a few hours, THC remains in a persons system for up to 30 days. Especially heavy or sedentary people may find that THC remains in their system for significantly longer than that. A person could have been high days before but still test positive after an accident. This makes it look like they were high while driving when in fact, they weren’t.

According to the Denver Post, “positive test results reflected in the NHTSA data do not indicate whether a driver was high at the time of the crash since traces of marijuana use from weeks earlier also can appear as a positive result”. Nevertheless, there is a clear trend of car accidents with marijuana in the driver’s system. This trend is causing great concern with city officials and residents. Without an in-depth investigation into the specifics, everyone is left wondering if legalization is to blame.

There are studies on drivers, accidents and cannabis.

Other studies show that in 2013, 10% of drivers who were involved in fatal car accidents tested positive for marijuana. By 2016, that figure rose to 20%. Also, more drivers are testing positive for cannabis and nothing else. Slightly more than 52% of drivers had no alcohol in their system in 2013 and by 2016 that figure rose to 69%.

Of the 115 drivers involved in fatal accidents in 2016 alone, 71% had THC in their systems. Of those approximately 81 people, 63% had over 5 nanograms of THC (the legal limit) floating around in their veins. The average age of drivers in fatal accidents was between 35 and 40 years of age.

Taylor West is the former deputy director of the National Cannabis Industry Association. According to Taylor, “Unlike alcohol, THC can remain detectable in the blood stream for days or weeks. When any impairment wears off in a matter of hours. So, these numbers really tell us is that, since legal adult-use sales began, a larger number of people are consuming cannabis. And then at some point… (are) driving a car.”

Survivors and victims need something to fight.

Ed Wood of DUID (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs) Victim Voices, started this organization after his son’s death. He believes his son’s death was the direct result of a drugged driver. Ed feels like the system only cares about tax revenue from marijuana and not the people he feels it affects. Instead of simply complain about a system he disagrees with, he activated and found other like-minded people.

Ed Wood and other families who have lost loved ones in a fatal car accidents are compelled to seek closure. If someone can say that the driver was intoxicated, it becomes a rallying cry to purge society of that substance. Mothers Against Drink Driving (MADD), Mothers Against Prescription Drug Abuse (MAPDA) and more are reactions to the very real issue of unsafe roads. But they lead into the next issue.

The system is set up against cannabis users.

People often claim that it is too early to tell whether marijuana is the true culprit for the rising number of fatalities. And that additional data is required before any real conclusions can be done.But that is where things get sticky. You see, it’s incredibly difficult to research marijuana.

Only two universities nationwide are allowed, by the government, to conduct research on how marijuana affects the human body. But they have to get permission from the Department of Justice (DOJ) before they can start any studies. The DOJ has made it clear that they have no intention of permitting marijuana research as long as Jeff Sessions remains Attorney General.

This means that law enforcement is left with no solid way to prove that drivers are dangerous when under the influence of THC. The executive director of the Colorado-based Marijuana Industry Group (Kelly) says, “There needs to be better understanding about what constitutes impairment”. And cannabis users should want a reliable way to test for impairment.

Washington and Colorado are undergoing similar driver trends.CBD Flower 1

Since Washington’s legalization, the rise of fatal car accidents involving cannabis has risen. But the problem still remains, that there is no definitive method of testing drivers for recent use of cannabis. Yes, drivers are found with cannabis in their system, but the tests don’t show is if they were impaired while they were driving. This means that dangerous drivers hide behind innocuous drivers and cause unnecessary complications and loss of life.

Washington States policy for DUI is that they test for alcohol first. Once a driver is found with alcohol that is over the limit, they don’t bother testing for marijuana. According to Washington police, they don’t have the time and resources to do a thorough check of alcohol and marijuana. According to Denver’s coroner’s report, people are f
ound with higher levels of THC on average than before. Their toxicology tests are showing THC levels as high as 24 ng/ml; with one result showing 68 ng/ml.

Police Chief Jackson says that potency is the issue here.

That the weed of today is not the same weed that was consumed during our grandfather’s time. The levels of acute overdose is what he believes is causing the number of accidents to increase.Although there is no peer-reviewed scientific evidence supporting his claim.

Coroners disagree on whether the presence of THC should be listed on a death certificate. This is because of how people interpret as impairment. Jill Romann, Douglas County’s coroner says, “There are others across the state who feel the same way and won’t use the word intoxication with it. Despite the fact we are all coroners, everyone does as they want.”

Hopefully the Denver Post can shed some light on how cannabis users drive. It is always good to remember that correlation is not the same as causation. Just because people buy more ice cream on hot days doesn’t mean that buying ice cream makes the day hotter. Likewise, just because more people have THC in their system doesn’t mean THC is causing accidents. But scientists have to look at all the data, even the stuff that doesn’t agree with our preconceived notions.

How do you feel about driving while high? Do you think DUID, MADD or MAPDA are on crazy? Have you lost someone to an intoxicated driver and how did that change your view? Let us know in the comments below and what you think should be done.

Top 10 Interesting Marijuana Facts

Top 10 Interesting Marijuana Facts

Here are the most interesting marijuana facts I know.

As an avid cannabis consumer, I am always finding new info about weed. Much of the information comes during smoking sessions with friends or interviewees. The hard part is organizing the information into a cohesive thought after the high subsides. But here is my list of interesting marijuana facts. There is no specific order so the tenth entry is just as interesting to me as the first.

  1. It’s physically impossible to overdose on THC

Life is meaningless and death approaches. This realization makes you decide to end it on a high note. You buy 1000 joints and a couple lighters, determined to end it all. Things begin by lighting up the first joint and before you reach the end of your stash, one of two things will happen.
After a few joints, you will either pass out before getting to the end or you will die from carbon monoxide poisoning. The carbon monoxide is created by burning the stems and leaf but would give a pounding headache long before becoming dangerous. The THC and other psychoactive elements have virtually no chance of being the cause of death.
You would need to smoke 40,0000 times the average amount of weed within a few minutes to get a lethal dose. That’s one record even Michael Phelps can’t get close to approaching, much less breaking.

  1. Weed started online commerce

In 1971, Stanford University housed the latest and greatest computer system. The machine was part of a new generation of connected computers. Students at Stanford were able to use a basic e-mail network called Arpanet to effectively send and receive text messages. But the 70’s were a time of reckless abandon, wild ideas, and advancing technologies.
It only took a few months before some inspired soul took the next logical step in networking. Several students used their accounts at the university’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory to buy some weed from a fellow student. This drug deal was the world’s first e-commerce transaction and proved the validity of the concept.

  1. Tupac was smoked

We all have that one friend who would get the mortician high if they were cremated. Tupac was that and a whole lot more. On top of being a master weed smoker, he was an entrepreneur, musician, poet, thug and straight up bad ass. But that didn’t stop a hail of bullets from ending his life prematurely.
After Tupac died, he had one final request of his friends. The crew had some misgivings but eventually decided it was the best way to honor his memory. They mixed his ashes with some of the best weed the world had to offer and smoked it. They can probably still feel the buzz….

  1. Rates of obesity are 33% lower in cannabis users

Potheads are supposed to be craven munchies hounds hell bent on emptying fridges right? Well, science disagrees with that old stereotype. Studies have shown that cannabis cuts the risk of obesity by about a third. They believe the benefit is partly due to how weed helps regulate blood sugars.
The ability to regulate blood-sugars has lead scientists to investigate. Several studies are looking into using marijuana to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Marijuana doesn’t cure diabetes though…

  1. Prohibition costs the US $17.5 billion each year

There are a lot of drugs that the government doesn’t want people getting their hands on. If every drug were legalized today, the U.S. would save $41.3 billion annually. It would also pretty much empty the overpopulated prisons that proliferate the ‘land of the free’.
Other countries have done it with positive results. Portugal managed to cut drug abuse in half less than 10 years after decriminalizing all drugs. America could as well if the head of the Justice Department wasn’t heavily invested in growing the prison population.

  1. California and Colorado bring in over 75% of all cannabis sales

America loves its weed more than ever. Since 1996, 30 states and the District of Columbia have established some form of legalized marijuana. There are seven states that go so far as to allow recreational marijuana.
California and Colorado make up the bulk of the American market. Together they dominate recreational and medical marijuana to the tune of almost $4 billion a year. That is more than all the other states combined…

  1. There are 111 different cannabinoids in cannabis

Cannabinoids are a group of chemicals found in the cannabis plant and in our own bodies. THC and CBD are the most common cannabinoids but there are several versions of each. As the plant goes through its lifecycle, the concentrations and chemical properties of the cannabinoids change.
THC and CBD are the prize children of the cannabinoid world, but they’re not the only compounds in ganja. Cannabinoids like CBN and CBG are known to have their own medicinal effects. Imagine what secrets the other 108 hold…

  1. THC can stay in your system for longer than 27 days

THC binds to fat cells in the body. So the amount of time THC stays in your system mostly depends on your metabolism. Sedentary and obese users retain THC in their bodies for a significantly longer time than thin or active users.
But consumption levels also matter. Some studies show that average sized, regular marijuana users retain THC metabolites in their systems for an average of 27 days. Occasional smokers can expect that number drops to 10 days. But heavy-set, high-use consumers might fail a test over 30 days after consuming.

  1. Marijuana prohibition doesn’t protect kids

In 2011, use of marijuana by teenagers hit a 30-year peak, with one out of every 15 high school students reporting they smoke most days, and for the first time U.S. teens reported smoking more pot than cigarettes. But teenagers don’t smoke any more pot in states where medical marijuana is legal than in ones where it’s not.
Legalization opponents argue that the best way to reduce use by minors is to criminalize and deregulate pot. But evidence shows that decriminalizing marijuana and regulating it actively reduces the rate of abusers. Portugal legalized all drugs and treated addiction as a public health issue. They saw a long-term decrease in overall abuse and underage use.

  1. Marijuana milkshakes are one of the oldest cannabis recipes known to man

Bhang is crafted from the dried leaves and flowering shoots of a female cannabis plant. Most commonly enjoyed as a sorbet (preferably as a thandai drink) or as a snack by adding ghee, sugar and milk. A favorite way to consume it in Delhi is rolled into balls called ‘antas’ (marbles).
It’s difficult to tell when bhang became associated with East Indian festivals. Ancient texts describe the drink as Lord Shiva’s nectar, convoluting and enshrining the origins in mystery older than the gods themselves. Regardless, there must have been compelling reasons for creating the drink and later incorporating it into festivities for thousands of years.

Do you agree with the interesting facts on this list?

Did you know everything on this list? Which interesting marijuana fact is your favorite? What interesting marijuana facts have you heard? Ask your friends if they have any and let us know in the comments below!

Feds Study Effect Of MMJ On Opioid Use

Feds Study Effect of MMJ on Opioid Use

 What would you do with access to MMJ and $3.8 million dollars?opioid treatment

Researchers at Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Health Systems get to find out if medical marijuana reduce opioid dependence. Researchers were granted the sum to fund the first in a new round of long-term studies. While past studies have tested cannabis in pain management in HIV and cancer patients, this has a different focus.
This study will officially investigate the effectiveness of medical marijuana in treating opioid addiction. Investigators explained their reasons in a media release by the associate chief of general internal medicine Chinazo Cunningham. She claims “There is a lack of information about the impact of medical marijuana on opioid use in those with chronic pain,” and “We hope this study will fill in the gaps and provide doctors and patients with some much needed guidance.”
There are many people who claim cannabis helps opioid users with chronic pain step down their use to safer levels. A minority of users also report that they can completely eliminate their opioid dependence with cannabis. The hope is that patients can remove their dependence entirely but only studies like this can prove it to be true or false.

The study focus on adults with HIV, chronic pain, and it uses real MMJ.opioid treatment

Study participants include 250 HIV- positive and negative adults with chronic pain. Subjects are also required to have a doctors recommendation for medical marijuana. This is the fist study of its kind to use state approved dispensaries to provide the cannabis.
Federal contractors in Mississippi normally provide “research grade” cannabis that has a THC content below 10%. Stored improperly by design and seemingly produced by putting a whole plant in a food processer, almost any dispensary would reject it. This cannabis is known as NIDA weed and these researchers decided they didn’t want it in their study.
Instead of using federally obtained NIDA cannabis like past studies, this one will use cannabis from New York dispensaries. This cannabis is produced and processed by master growers, passes laboratory testing, and has THC content between about 15% and 30%.

Up until now, evidence is mostly anecdotal.

Many people have moving personal stories but they fail to prove anything. We can’t forget the ‘placebo effect’ or projection when listening to a single person tell their story. This study offers 250 people the opportunity to produce the first peer-reviewed research on the safety and effectiveness of cannabis in treating opioid addiction.
This long-term study will also span 18 months and include web-based questionnaires every two weeks. The questionnaires focus on pain levels and the effect of medical and illicit cannabis on opioid dependence. Blood and urine samples get submitted every three months in-person at specified medical facilities. In-depth interviews of participants will explore their perceptions of how marijuana affects their opioid use.
HIV patients suffer from opioid addiction more than other populations. But there is conflict on how many actually suffer in silence. Past studies claim that over 90% of HIV patients suffer from chronic pain while others claim the number could be as low as 25%. With opioids as the go-to pain treatment for most doctors, there is a high risk for misuse and subsequent addiction.

The cards are stacked against cannabis reducing opioid use.

Medical marijuana has made serious strides in legitimizing itself as a treatment for pain. Twenty-nine states (plus the District of Columbia) have legal marijuana use in some way. Chronic pain and HIV/AIDS are qualifying conditions in all of those states.
Yet researchers have never explicitly studied whether or not medical marijuana reduces opioid use over time. Most studies attempt to prove marijuana doesn’t treat medical conditions but fail to do so. This looks at the possibility of treating pain with similar skepticism.
The best part about science is that all the evidence counts. Despite researchers personal desires, the results speak for themselves. This study is no different. “As state and federal governments grapple with the complex issues surrounding opioid use and medical marijuana, we hope to provide evidence-based recommendations that will help shape responsible and effective healthcare practices and public policies,” Cunningham said.

Medical cannabis promises hope to opioid abusers.

HIV and AIDS patients across the globe have claimed cannabis treats their pain. This is the first step in a new phase of medical research. Instead of using the lowest possible quality of weed, they plan to look at real people using real cannabis. The results will likely add to the mountain of evidence that supports medical marijuana.
There is still a long time to go before the results come in. Long-term studies take loads of time to analyze the data. Years pass before researchers publish results. Especially in studies like this. It may be two or more years before anyone can make a claim about the effectiveness of marijuana treating opioid addiction based on this research. We have to sit tight until then.
But if the past has taught us anything, it is that marijuana is a more powerful healer than we ever thought possible. This is just the first of a new wave of research but the results look to direct the following discussion heavily. Let’s just hope that those in power listen to the research.

Blaze It The History of Weed

History of Marijuana

To say that marijuana has a long history would be an understatement.

As far back as there are records, marijuana or ‘cannabis’ as it is traditionally known, was integral to human culture. To truly understand why people across millennia grew cannabis, we need to understand what makes cannabis better than other plants. Cannabis can feed, clothe, heal, fuel and build civilizations.
Why would farmers in every corner of the earth and in every period of human history cultivate this specific plant? There are a lot of answers to that question and most depend on perspective. Let me highlight some of the best examples throughout the ages of how cannabis helped shape the course of human history.

Farming generally depends on fertile soil, consistent water and plenty of light.

But different plants have different needs so farmers need to balance the way they plant crops to keep from making the land infertile. Cannabis has the special properties of not needing to be rotated like many other crops and is drought resistant. These properties make cultivating cannabis from areas like the equator to the arctic circle very easy.
But genetics also play a key role in plant development. Long ago, our ancestors saw mutated cannabis ruderalis that was larger and produced better fiber than her sisters. Another natural mutation produced more seed than wild versions. Ancient farmers recognized the benefits of cannabis cultivation and created new breeds called cannabis sativa and hemp.

Cannabis is resistant to most diseases.

Plants like beans, corn and wheat produce pollen and flowers in a single plant. Male cannabis plants produce pollen and one male can fertilize females for miles around. The females produce flowers that if pollinated will produce seed. If the female plant remains unpollinated, the flowers become coated in a thick layer of trichomes.
The Great Famine of 1840’s Ireland and the recent Panama Banana Plague are both examples of major disease risk to farmers. Many plants are susceptible to a wide range of fungus, pests and bacteria. It’s a waste of a farmer’s time to grow plants they can’t protect from pathogens and pests.
Sexual reproduction made cannabis immune to many diseases, harsh conditions and pests that plague other crops. Cannabis tends to survive conditions that annihilate other plants including drought, frost and many pests. While not invincible, cannabis is surprisingly hardy and provides a robust natural defense against conditions outside a farmers control.

Cannabis is very special in the plant world. landrace 2

In addition to the natural resilience of the plant, it grows in soil that would strangle other crops. Cannabis also grows season after season in poor grade soil; a process that kills crops like corn, lettuce and tomatoes. It also revitalizes the soil for other plants by reintroducing nitrogen and breaks up compacted soil with its roots.
These properties make cannabis a great plant to grow but it has other traits that set it apart from the rest. Properties like producing the strongest, softest fiber for cloth and rope. Hemp seed also has more protein than beans and a near perfect ratio of omega vitamins. Few plants can claim to produce food and clothing but cannabis doesn’t stop there.

The medical properties of cannabis are incredible.Landrace Strain 1

Roman doctors used cannabis leaves to make anti-fungal bandages, cannabis tinctures to treat pain and hemp thread to sew wounds. The tradition of using cannabis for medicine wasn’t exclusive to Rome. Ancient Chinese doctors prescribed the plant to ease headaches, menstrual cramps, and improve virility. Monarchs from Europe like Queen Victoria used cannabis tincture. And even the Vikings sailed with rigging of hemp.

Cannabis is from a land before time.cannabis lights

Thousands of years before the first clocks graced the palaces of China, and centuries before the great pyramids were erected, cannabis was grown for fiber and food. In ancient caves and forgotten settlements around the world, thousand year-old hemp fibers are found regularly.
The 20th century saw humanity try to destroy itself and criminalizing cannabis was part of that history. Yet even the most anti-pot countries in the world continue to import massive amounts of hemp fiber and oil. Humanity is tied to cannabis in an ancient symbiosis that goes back to the beginning.
The deep history of humanity is spotty and full of holes. But if modern theories like those proposed by Carl Sagan are correct, civilization may be the result of convergent evolution of humanity and cannabis. It is possible that cannabis was the first crop ever cultivated, leading to the foundations of civilization as we know it.

Canna-Culture is older than most Gods but still tied to them.

As one of the few animals in the world with an endo-cannabinoid system, we are uniquely positioned in the animal world to benefit from consuming it. This kind of biological interaction takes many generations to develop. Further implying that human ancestors regularly consumed cannabis before agriculture took root.
By the time Christianity, Hinduism and Islam rolled around, all used cannabis in their ceremonies. But they weren’t the first or only ones to use ganja as a holy sacrament. Hebrew rabbi’s included cannabis flower in their anointing oils. In fact, Jesus himself was anointed with cannabis infused oil.
Centuries before Jesus was healing the sick, the Hindu god Shiva was talking about weed. Known as Shiva’s nectar, ganja helps Hindu holy men (and women) receive and interpret the desires of Shiva. It also helps them avoid the temptations of the world and maintain their spirit-centric lifestyles. The tradition was ancient even before they erected the majestic temples slowly sinking into the topography of Nepal.

Canna-Culture remains strong today.

Despite decades of global criminalization, recreational cannabis use is more common today than 100 years ago. Hemp still provides a major role in the textile industry although synthetic fabrics dominate the market. And doctors from Israel to Ireland and the US still prescribe cannabis.
The special properties that made cannabis attractive to ancient farmers remain important today. We still need strong, soft and durable fiber, we still need food and we still need medicine. As humanity moves into the 21st century, marijuana looks to remain a staple of civilization.
There is so much more to the history of marijuana that I couldn’t hope to touch on it all in a single article. I couldn’t even get to the importance of cannabis in the development of writing! Let us know in the comments below what other important historical facts I missed.


Cannabis Hangovers and How to Get Over Them

There are limited studies about cannabis hangovers.

Cannabis hangovers happen frequently, but they often have the same feeling as an alcohol related hangover. There are limited scientific papers on the subject. However, there are a few facts that provide a partial understanding about what they are and how they happen. Yet, we do know what constitutes a hangover.
Brain fog, headaches, fatigue, nausea, cotton mouth and dry eyes are the most common symptoms of a hangover. While different individuals experience different combinations, the intensity is proportional to consumption. Studies indicate that, like alcohol, consuming a small amount of marijuana has a low likelihood of producing a hangover.

Previous studies are limited and small in scale.

Prohibition is the biggest reason there are limited studies about cannabis hangovers. However, a few research notes exist that help prove weed hangovers are a thing. A study published in 1985 showed that there is such a thing as a weed related hangover but it had some issues.
The study was small with only 13 subjects. Everyone was male, and smoked marijuana that had 2.9% THC. The subjects were asked to perform several behavioral tasks during the day like card sorting and time production before and after smoking. After the subjects had a full night’s sleep, they were tested again.
The results showed that the subjects were experiencing a cannabis hangover, but the extent of their hangover remained inconclusive. There is room for critique because of the small sample size and lack of diversity. A similar study was done in 1998 close to the same demographics.
The 1998 study found that smoking a single joint did not result in a weed hangover. But that study was also critiqued due to the small sample size and lack of diversity. Most accounts from consumers who smoke, or consume, large amounts of potent marijuana claim to experience a hangover. Without evidence to support the effects of a cannabis-induced hangover, more research is needed to help fully understand what heavy users are experiencing.
The average heavy cannabis consumer tends to claim that edibles create the weed related hangover. This is probably due to the slow metabolic rate of the body while asleep. When a person consumes an edible before sleeping, the body slows down the processes that purge THC from the bloodstream. Users then wake up feeling slightly high but that doesn’t mean that they are experiencing a hangover.

Cannabis does not cause dehydration.

Many cannabis consumers falsely believe weed causes dehydration because they experience symptoms of dry mouth. Studies show that THC binds itself to the glands responsible for producing spit (saliva). When THC binds itself to the submandibular glands, it temporarily stops the production of saliva. This leads to the uncomfortable sensation of dry mouth that is generally associated with many types of cannabis strains.
Because cannabis can inhibit saliva production, it is especially important for people to stay hydrated. Saliva provides many functions, including facilitating taste. Spending a lot of money on live resin is a waste if there isn’t enough saliva to taste the difference. Sometimes, cotton mouth is caused by dehydration instead of chemical binding.
In an article from May 2016, a medical cannabis user was experiencing chronic back ache. Medicinal marijuana helped relieved him of his symptoms, but he still experienced back pain from time to time. He soon discovered that the culprit for his random spams was dehydration. After increasing his fluid intake, he stopped experiencing issues.
While there is no evidence to support that cannabis directly causes dehydration, it also doesn’t prevent it.  Many symptoms of a cannabis hangover can be improved by consuming water. But that still doesn’t explain what a weed hangover is.

Weed-related hangover symptoms vary.

Reported symptoms of a weed hangover include; brain fog, headaches, fatigue, nausea, cotton mouth and dry eyes. These findings are based on reports from cannabis consumers and not scientific studies. This is because the research previously mentioned did not test for these symptoms, only cognitive impairment.
For those struggling with a cannabis hangover, the best medicine is to get moving. Sitting at a monitor doesn’t stimulate the cardiovascular system. Gentle exercise like a walk or yoga can encourage the body to filter the THC out of the bloodstream.
Additional steps include taking a cold shower to shock the body and clear the mind. Eating healthy food and staying hydrated nourishes the body and decreases hangover symptoms. There is also caffeine to help clear the fog and give the brain a jump start.
These methods may not help completely alleviate these symptoms but they do help a person get through the day comfortably. It is recommended that users pay close attention to their dosage and hydration levels to help reduce the frequency and intensity of cannabis hangovers. Stay healthy, and keep hydrated.

The Founding Fathers US All Grew Weed

The Founding Fathers All Grew Weed

The Founding Fathers grew hemp before America was a nation.

Early colonists needed to grow hemp and the Founding Fathers helped make it easier. Hemp was used to make a multitude of essential gear for early Americans so importing it was impossibly expensive. Presidents like Washington, Jefferson and even Lincoln are well documented hemp farmers but their personal consumption remains a historical mystery.
While hemp and weed are both cannabis, there’s a big difference between the 16-1800’s and now. Similar to how humans grow larger when more specialized nutrition and scientific knowledge advances, so too does cannabis. Most Founding Fathers grew hemp specifically for fiber and seed instead of high THC seedless flowers.
They planted in dense patches and prioritized harvesting long, thin stalks. The Fathers allowed their plants to go to seed but removed the males after they pollinated the females. Any female cannabis plants that produce seeds have very little THC, just like modern day ones.
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin all grew hemp on their plantations. Hemp was essential to naval vessels and travel in general, so every Founding Father needed more. In previous centuries, all ships navigating the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails.

It takes a lot of hemp to make ships, so everyone grew hemp.

(U.S. Navy photo by Seaman Matthew R. Fairchild/Released) 140704-N-OG138-866 Join the conversation
A 44-gun frigate like the USS Constitution took over 60 tons of hemp for rigging. This included sails, ropes and an anchor cable 25 inches in circumference. The Conestoga wagons of the pioneer days were covered with hemp canvas as well. In fact, the very word canvas comes from the Arabic word for hemp.
The founding fathers were well acquainted with the industrial version of cannabis but how they consume it. Many doubt that Washington and Jefferson grew hemp for recreational enjoyment but John Adams has a mysterious quote of his in several Boston newspapers.
In 1763, under the pen name Humphrey Ploughjogger, Adams wrote in the Boston Evening-Post about the advantages of growing hemp. Adams claimed that “… if grate Men dont leeve off writing Pollyticks, breaking Heads, boxing Ears, ringing Noses and kicking Breeches, we shall by and by want a world of Hemp more for our own consumshon,”. This is likely a reference to the hemp rope a hangman used and not a sweet bowl of some Purple Urkle.

The Digital Age has made a liar of Honest Abe.

The internet is overrun with people claiming that Honest Abe claimed to enjoy “a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica.”  There are only a few issues with the timing of quote though. Hohner didn’t make harmonicas until years later and didn’t even start exporting them to America from Germany until 1868. That’s four years after Abe’s assassination, meaning the whole thing is made up.
But that isn’t the only popular Lincoln quote that was entirely false. The oft-cited “Prohibition… goes beyond the bound of reason…”? Claimed to be from an 1840 speech to the Illinois House of Representatives. In fact, it was written by a former mayor of Atlanta in 1922. The fake quote was used to court black voters into opposing alcohol prohibition. That doesn’t prove Lincoln didn’t partake, just that there is no proof he did.

Washington was into the Sticky Icky.

George Washington did make concerted attempts to cultivate high THC cannabis. He kept meticulous diaries throughout his life. Within his notes he wrote “Sowed hemp at muddy hole by swamp” This was far removed from the area he would have normally cultivated cannabis. This remote location improved the likelihood that the cannabis flowers would remain seedless or ‘sensimilla’.
Washington further reinforces the idea that he was growing for some sweet smoke by writing “Began to separate the male from female plants” and he specifically references the desire for flower by dismaying that he “Was too late for the blossom hemp by three weeks or a month” One theory for Washington’s interest in potent cannabis flower was to treat his toothaches.

Thomas Jefferson was known to farm hemp just as all the other Founding Fathers.

He has the unique distinction of being an international and intercontinental strain hound. During his time as Ambassador to France, hashish was a big deal. During his encounters with the court, it would have been disastrously unfashionable for him to refuse consuming.
The time with the French court must have left a lasting impression on him. Jefferson later sought out high potency cannabis seeds from China while he was searching for better versions of rice. At great risk of imprisonment, Jefferson smuggled many types of seeds back to the colonies for American production.
The president employed many hirelings to do the brunt of the work. He specifically employed Turkish smugglers to bring seeds back from China. No records prove that Jefferson himself transported the seeds, only that he arranged for and ensured the delivery of many restricted cultivars from across the globe to American farmers.

People have taken the stoner Founding Fathers idea and run with it.

Even without direct evidence of the Founding Fathers smoking weed, modern stoners have embraced the idea. Artists like Trevor Moore and groups like The Whitest Kids You Know have brought the mythology of the Founding Fathers into the modern day.
The historical accuracy of these interpretations remains hazy at best. Yet the performances are likely closer to reality than the stories and legends that people have grown up with. Regardless, they add a bit of spice and real world flavor to stories about wealthy young rebels.

This 4th of July, light up a joint, load a bong and hit a pipe for the Founding Fathers.

America wouldn’t be here without cannabis, so roast a bowl this Independence Day to honor our complex history. Greats like Andrew Jackson grew it for seed and fiber while Jefferson smuggled it out of China and likely France. And just think about how Ben Franklin would feel about a great summertime strain.
Be like Ben and grow a female plant or two, or take a page from Lincolns book and get some sweet hemp to enjoy. Don’t smuggle genetics from China like Jefferson though. Better to get a clone or seed from a reputable source like or a local dispensary.

GMO Weed Coming to Stores Soon

People have been genetically modifying weed since the beginning.

Ancient farmers grew cannabis plants with specific goals in mind. The different goals produced two distinctly new variations or phenotypes of cannabis. The two GMO variants are known as cannabis sativa and cannabis indica. Our ancestors used selective breeding to modify the genetics of cannabis ruderalis to create what we currently recognize as weed.
Selective breeding is a great example of the basic concept of genetically modified organisms. By only breeding plants with the best traits, later generations display more desired traits. Both still have the same level of development, one is just more useful.
South African plants need to be tall enough to reach above the scrub brush to get enough light. Sativas like Durban Poison grow incredibly tall because of having South African genetics. But cannabis from the Hindu Kush mountains grow short and dense enough to resist the high winds. Breeding them together may pass on the cold resistance of the Hindu Kush, and/or the height of the Durban Poison.

The race is on to find a better way.

Researchers at Phylos Bioscience launched the Cannabis Evolution Project last year to map the genome of marijuana. By documenting the specific genetic markers of cannabis, the team adds real data to the collective body of knowledge. Phylos also provides producers with a time-stamped certificate of authenticity that helps establish and defend intellectual property rights.
Phylos also shares the sequence data in the Open Cannabis Project’s database. Although they don’t share data without permission. The process prevents companies like Monsanto from capitalizing on weed by securing exclusive patents to specific strains.

Advancements in genetic engineering are coming

Genetic engineering is defined as manipulation of the genetic code or DNA. Plants and animals can be genetically manipulated because both have DNA. Each strand of DNA contains instructions for how, where and when cells should grow. The whole sequence is called the genome. We are quickly learning about the complex code that makes up the genome of cannabis.
Mice were the first creatures to have their DNA manipulated. Scientists managed this feat back in the 1970s. Plants weren’t modified until the 1990s. Through intense study and experimentation, we can predictably enhance certain qualities in a wide range of organisms.
Using modern genetic tools like CRISPR, we can cut and paste different genetic sequences. Researchers can use CRISPR to create indicas that grow tall like sativas, hybrids that produce trichomes in veg or instill UV light responsiveness.

GMO crops are becoming increasingly common.GMO Weed

Just over 20 years ago, the first genetically modified crops entered the market. After only two decades, GMO crops have flooded food and agricultural markets. GMO’s are adopted by industry after industry and change the very face of agriculture in the process.
Most soybean, corn and canola crops produced today are genetically modified. These crops fight off pests, resist disease and produce more stable products. Commercial farmers have adopted these GMO crops in part because of increased consistency.
Marijuana farmers are always looking to increase the consistency and potency of their crops. A GMO crop that promises to fight off pests, diseases, and resist cold would be mighty tempting. Especially if that crop produced commercial quantities of flower.


Spliffs Lessen Cannabis Memory Loss

Tobacco rolled with marijuana helps lessen memory loss.

Spliffs are a mixture of pot and tobacco that are rolled up in a fashion that is similar to a joint. Some spliffs have more tobacco than weed, and other spliffs have more weed than tobacco. It usually depends on what the user would prefer.
A common rumor is that spliffs increase the high of weed, but researchers found that is simply not true. Researchers discovered that spliffs are not healthy to inhale because tobacco is loaded with carcinogens that are dangerous to people’s health. However, the upside to the discovery is that nicotine helps lessen the effects of memory loss that is generally associated with smoking cannabis.
According to the new study published in Psychological Medicine, spliffs lessen the memory killing effects of cannabis. “There’s a persistent myth that adding tobacco to cannabis will make you more stoned. But we found that actually it does nothing to improve the subject experience.” said Chandni Hindocha.
Chandi is a clinical psychologist and the study’s lead author. Chandi’s research team discovered that spliff smokers undergo a placebo effect which makes them think they are getting higher, when they really are not.

How Chandi’s study was conducted.

Chandi’s researchers looked at 24 adults who have smoked tobacco and marijuana. The requirements for the study was that the 24 adults were not addicted to cannabis or tobacco. But they did need to know how to smoke both substances. During the study, the 24 subjects smoked either cannabis and tobacco, cannabis and placebo, tobacco and a placebo, and all placebos.
Chandi’s team measured the subject’s vitals such as heart rate and blood pressure. And researchers asked the subjects several questions about their psychoactive experiences. Chandi’s researchers also required the subjects to recite literary passages. The subjects read passages at different times during testing and then were asked to recite them, this was done to test their memory.

What researchers discovered.

Chandi’s researchers discovered that when subjects only smoked pot, they had the most memory loss. However, spliff smokers showed better concentration abilities than when they smoked only marijuana. As a result, Chandi’s team are saying that the nicotine in a spliff helped stabilize memory capabilities.

Spliffs are not healthy.

During the study, Chandi’s team saw that the cannabis-tobacco mix resulted in higher heart rates for all the participants. The study revealed that spliffs are worse for cardiac health than regular joints due to the toxic gases found when burning tobacco. Tobacco is dangerous because the nicotine found within causes addiction, and tar and toxic gases cause cancer along with other health problems.
The carcinogens in tobacco cause chronic lung disease such as emphysema and bronchitis. As well as heart disease, pregnancy-related issues and other serious problems. Therefore, smoking a spliff may be better for your memory than using straight marijuana. But tobacco is responsible for over 480,00 deaths per year in the U.S. The cause of death related to weed is still zero.


Marijuana Experiences Modern Day Rebirth

Marijuana has a deep history.

Cannabis can be found in Siberian burial chambers. Humans have had marijuana experiences as far back as 3000 B.C. Cannabis has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. First American President George Washington grew hemp on Mt. Vernon.
Before the Nixon era, cannabis was legal and found in many tinctures and oils. After the big ban, cannabis became a schedule I drug. From then on the plant was deemed to have no medicinal value and only used by addicts.

In today’s time, marijuana experiences resurgence.

Researchers from around the world are trying to understand how marijuana works and how it can fight diseases. The U.S. surgeon general has expressed interest in learning about cannabis. Scientific data on marijuana shows potential for treating certain medical conditions and ailments. Countries around the world are in favor of legalizing pot. Uruguay, Portugal, Israel, Canada and the Netherlands have institutionalized medical marijuana programs and decriminalized possession.
Much of the danger has been over-hyped. There are no reports specifically linked to recreational “over-dosing” from marijuana. However, there are reported side-effects of giggling, short-term memory loss and a craving for Cheeze-Its in addition to other delicious candies and snacks.

The challenges continue with banking.

Because marijuana is a schedule I drug, U.S. banks are incredibly reluctant to host accounts for marijuana business’. Store owners are forced to deal solely in cash. This includes payroll, taxes, product, rent, security, etc. This leaves them vulnerable to theft and robbery.

Cannabis, the pain reliever.

The medicinal uses generally associated with cannabis include chronic pain relief, insomnia, stimulation of appetite, nausea and stress relief. The scientific community is in a buzz trying to figure out other benefits associated with marijuana. Most of the focus centers around how marijuana really affects the brain and neurological systems; but with so many uses the possibilities are endless.